Accident Compensation Act 1985 - WorkCover

Updated 26/06/2023

Workers employed in the state of Victoria who suffer an injury, disease or illnesses in the course of employment are entitled to claim Workers Compensation, commonly called WorkCover.

An Act of the Victorian Parliament titled the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (the Act) provides workers with the benefits and entitlements to workers compensation. The Act provides an entitlement to weekly payments, medical and like service expenses, occupational rehabilitation and return to work. CPSU has a specialised unit called CPSU WorkCover Services to provide assistance and representation to financial CPSU members who have suffered an injury, disease or illness in the course of employment through the WorkCover maze.

CPSU members who intend to lodge a claim for workers compensation, or have had a claim rejected, terminated, or all benefits reduced should contact CPSU WorkCover Services for advice and assistance and representation through the WorkCover process.

The Accident Compensation Act 1985 provides that a worker with accepted WorkCover claim has a legal right to be represented, assisted and supported throughout the return to work process. CPSU WorkCover Services provides representation to financial members through this process.

CPSU members should contact CPSU WorkCover Services Officer Geoff Lewin for advice and assistance with any WorkCover issue via contact page.

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