Grab a VPS24 poster for your workplace

Updated 05/02/2024

Why are we bargaining?

Improving the resources available to build better public services like pay, access to leave, career opportunities and allowances are all spelled out in our Victorian Public Service Agreement negotiated between CPSU and the Vic Government.

Negotiations for our next agreement are underway now and former Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe has been brought in as an independent facilitator to assist the parties.

Get on board with CPSU to have your voice heard and your views represented.


Who’s covered by VPS 2024?

The agreement covers all VPS employees in the 10 Departments including core terms and conditions of employment applying to all employees as well as appendices of agency specific entitlements.

• Education (DOE)
• Energy, Environment, & Climate Action (DEECA)
• Families Fairness & Housing (DFFH)
• Government Services (DoGS)
• Health (DH)
• Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR}
• Justice and Community Safety (DJCS)
• Premier and Cabinet (DPC)
• Transport & Planning (DTP)
• Treasury and Finance (includes SRO) (DTF)
• Victoria Police VPS

This is a workforce of nearly 55,000 FTE across approximately 55 employing public service departments, administrative offices, and other authorities.

The VPS Agreement covers a broad spectrum of public services ranging from the direct delivery of services including our arts institutions, courts, corrections and youth justice, child protection, consumer protection, environment protection, major transport infrastructure, public housing, forensic, fisheries, forest fire management, and school support (amongst others) including those office-based policy, program, procurement, payroll, vital IT support, and oversight roles that support them.

The current VPS Agreement is due to expire on 20 March 2024.

The Fair Work Act provides that it will continue until a new agreement is negotiated and approved by the FWC.

The parties commenced negotiations for a replacement agreement in September 2023.

A big bargaining year

2024 is set to be a massive year, with the Victorian Public Service Agreement expiring and negotiations for a new Agreement underway.

Employer negotiators are relying on State Government pay policy which is miles away from the reality of the cost of living pressures households are facing.

The stronger our membership the better outcomes we can achieve for all VPS staff.

As employees of the Victorian Public Service, it is especially important that we show solidarity in the coming months as we negotiate our new agreement.

Contribute to improving your workplace by joining with your workmates to boost the strength and unity of our union.

Download a VPS2024 poster 1 and VPS2024 poster 2 and display them prominently at work and ask a colleague who is not a member to join CPSU.

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