Prison Blues - Prisons Division - Wednesday 13th August 2008

Updated 22/04/2016

Minutes from the Prisons Division Meeting held on Wednesday 13th August 2008

CPSU State Secretary Karen Batt and CPSU Prisons Industrial Organiser Christine Kells have been visiting sites and presenting a talk containing background information about our upcoming EBA negotiations as well as what's happening with Award Modernisation and its impact on Correctional Officers in our hybrid system.

Other items covered in the PD meeting include; Recreation Officer classifications, SESG Tactical Firearm Review, SESG Alleged Terrorist Escort Review, Translations ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ CPSU claimed anomalies, Operations Manager Classification, LSL Calculations, Loddon Roster, Electronic Performance Plans, Prisoner Medication ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Interim Guidelines, Prisons Health Forum, Cell extraction protocols, Port Phillip Prison - Healthy Prison inspection.

Click here to view/print a copy of the full minutes;

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