What we do - why you should join

Updated 30/08/2024

CPSU Victoria are the Community and Public Sector Union. We represent employees in the Victorian Public Service (VPS) and related agencies.

Joining CPSU is about improving the working environment for members.

Rates of pay, career structures and employment conditions are all derived from the Award and Agreements negotiated by unions. For example, CPSU negotiated the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement that ensures your wage increases each year. By joining CPSU you are ensuring you have a team behind you to help negotiate these wages and conditions.

The more members our union has the stronger our negotiation position and the better off every worker is.

CPSU membership is protection for your most important asset - your job.

With employment and working conditions becoming less secure every day, union membership is an essential way to ensure you have immediate access to experienced industrial advisors and their advice when you need it most.

CPSU membership gives you access to our Industrial Specialists so when you have questions about your rights and entitlements, you know who to call. If you ever feel like your workplace is acting improperly or not giving you the correct wage or conditions you can contact us and our team and let us help you ensure you are treated fairly.

CPSU Membership is about advancing your own career path and skills

Joining us also gives you access to exclusive training and development opportunities. From health and safety courses, workplace gender equality training to the popular public sector courses in areas such as administration or policy and project work. Being a member gives you access to multiple opportunities to develop and gain an edge in a competitive job market.

Membership has other benefits

When you join CPSU you'll also get access to our exclusive discount shopping services, electricity retailer, free standard wills, among many other non-industrial benefits.

CPSU assists members with:


CPSU provides a free phone service for members who simply want advice on their rights and entitlements. Sometimes, things don't seem right, and a quick phone call to the Union can set things right.


CPSU is well-versed in this area of industrial law. We have represented many people in the state and federal tribunals.

Exclusive service

CPSU respects the rights of our existing membership to have an exclusive service.

General Protections

The Fair Work Act governs your rights at work. We take breaches of the Fair Work Act to the Fair Work Commission or the court.

General & selection grievances

VPS employees have a right to be treated fairly and reasonably. CPSU is highly skilled in advocating on your behalf before a Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel.

Pay and entitlements

Not sure you're being paid correctly? CPSU has the expertise to assist, whether it be advice or direct representation. This may be anything to do with pay anomalies through to grievances on amending hours of work for part-timers.

Unfair dismissal

Sometimes, management get it wrong. We assess your case to see if you have rights to protect, and can advocate on your behalf before the Fair Work Commission.

Legal representation

CPSU membership is much cheaper than paying for your own private lawyer. If we determine that formal legal representation is required as part of resolving your issue, all of that is covered as part of your CPSU membership.

Workplace bullying

We assist you through every step of the bullying complaint through to the outcome of the investigation process.

Misconduct and other processes

Workplace protection, advice and representation regarding misconduct allegations and investigations.


How do I know if CPSU Victoria covers my work area?

A list of the workplaces we cover can be found here.

Will my employer know if I become a member?

Your employer will not be notified by CPSU when you become a member; whether you inform your employer is up to you.

Does the union support me if I am not a member?

CPSU only provides advice and representation to its members. However we help negotiate work conditions, entitlements and pay, and policies that can benefit every employee in a workplace.

If you're not a member, even the workplace processes you can use address problems and issues by yourself are processes that were implemented as a result of union negotiation and pressure. This is why we think that all employees should join their union just as a matter of course.

How much does it cost to join the union and what is it used for?

Union dues are based on how much you earn. The full schedule of subscription dues is available here.

The money goes towards representing members in bargaining and negotiating processes, providing legal representation and running campaigns to drive policy change, to name a few.

CPSU, like all unions, is a non-profit organisation. All money is spent carrying out union related functions, and it is reported back to members in fully audited financial statements every year. We take pride in our integrity and accountability.

When you join up you can choose how to pay your subscriptions in the way that best suits you. You can choose how often (fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly) and by what method (direct debit, automatic credit card deduction or pay from an invoice using cash, cheque, online credit card payments or BPay).

Who can I talk to if I want to find out more?

The best person to talk to is your workplace delegate or your CPSU Organiser. You can also contact our membership team, if you have questions about becoming a member or to find out who your Organiser is.

What is the role of an Organiser?

Organisers (also called Industrial Organisers) are industrial experts employed by CPSU. Organisers focus on building union strength and solving collective or systemic issues in workplaces.

Examples of this include structural change and enterprise bargaining. Organisers primarily work with and advise union delegates and groups of members on how to organise for a stronger union and how to achieve the best outcomes in their workplaces.

Organisers may assist individual members with grievances, but this will depend on the circumstances of the member and the workplace.

Individual grievances are, instead, usually handled by the Union's Entitlements and Compliance Team.

What is the Entitlements and Compliance Team?

CPSU's Entitlements and Compliance Team (ECT) are highly trained Industrial Experts who help members with individual issues. If you need individual help with a problem at work, you will be assigned one of our ECT Industrial Officers to help you work through the issue and find the best resolution possible.

They will advise you on the things you can do to resolve the problem, and represent you when you need the extra help of a union representative and expert.

What is the role of a delegate?

Delegates are union members who have been selected by the union to undertake some of its work and hold special responsibilities. The work delegates do may vary from workplace to workplace, depending on the needs of union members and the experience of the delegate. However, all delegates have a role in representing and advocating for union members' collective interests and building union membership. Delegates may also give advice and support to individual members who are having a problem at work. Every workplace should have at least one delegate, and ideally a group of delegates who work together to improve the workplace for all members.