Leave Confusion Amplifies Cuts

Updated 22/04/2016

The only information we have at this stage is that applications for maternity leave will be approved and that the vacant position can be backfilled.  We are also advised that Departmentally, all applications for recreation leave, LWOP and LSL are also put on hold onto further advice is received.

Please talk to your manager if you would like to attend the session (see below).


The Management Team

David Provan
General Manager     Tel         (03) 9094 2111
Adult Parole Board of Victoria     Fax        (03) 9094 2125


Good morning,

CVEC will hold an impromptu staff meeting this Thursday at 3.30pm on Level 27 to provide staff the opportunity to raise concerns or ask questions they may have in regards to the current recruitment freeze and planned public servant reductions, as per the government's announcement.

As an executive team, CVEC and the ED acknowledge that this is an anxious time for some staff, and will share as much information as possible. Unfortunately, CVEC does not have all the answers as many decisions at a high level are yet to be made, and the process to reduce FTE is still in the early stages of development.

CVEC members will be in attendance at the meeting and will be able to provide clarity around the process CV has put into place to manage the recruitment freeze, fixed term contracts and higher duties applications.


Robert J. Hastings APM  ?  Commissioner  ?  Corrections Victoria
Department of Justice  ?  Level 22 / 121 Exhibition St Melbourne 3000  


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