Park Rangers Deserve a Fair Go

Updated 22/04/2016

Baillieu Government Withdraws Vital Funds

Our Parks will be closed by frustrated Rangers who have waited over 8 months for a realistic pay settlement following the refusal of the Baillieu Government to properly fund Parks Victoria.

Ms. Batt said, ‘workers had been forced to continue protected action in the face of the Baillieu Government’s lack of urgency to solve the bargaining malaise and shift from its pay ceiling for workers.’

‘Parks have limited avenues to produce ‘cash at bank’ productivities and their parlous budget position is driving the radical agenda to suppress wages and remove entitlements from employees.’ 

‘Park Rangers on contracts, close to 9% of the workforce, fear also for their jobs and income security for their families.’

‘Australia Day is our celebration day also.’  ‘Government cuts could see many of our pristine parks without staff and closed permanently.’  ‘The public must be made aware of this possibility.’ 

‘Rangers deserve a fair go also,’ she said.

Parks employs 1100 staff at 100 national, state, marine and urban parks from Orbost to Ouyen, from Nelson to Numurkah and manages a diverse parks estate covering more than four million hectares, about the size of Switzerland or 18 per cent of Victoria.

Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu is quoted in Friday's Oz saying "We have our position on the table and that stands," he said.

Parks management brought in contractors to unlike some park gates but failed miserably and caused extensive and expensive damage.

Ms. Batt said, ‘the stalling and lack of good faith leaves no alternative for employees when faced with a disingenuous government unable, or at least unwilling, to recognise the contribution these workers make to Victorians.’ 

‘This approach didn’t apply when fourteen (14) Parks Executives pocketed bonuses last year totalling $170,000.’

‘CPSU, ASU, and AWU members commenced bans and limitations in December, including not collecting camping fees, not issuing infringement notices, refusing to supervise volunteers working in Parks, as well as the closure of selected Parks to public access,’ she said.

MEDIA ALERT - Brimbank Park, Keilor Park Drive, Keilor at 9.30AM.  Representatives from all three Unions will be present.  Park gates across the state, including Brimbank Park, will be locked all day.

CPSU State Secretary Karen Batt on 0418 55 29 25 or AWU State Secretary Caesar Melham on 0418 597 822.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

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