We're ALL Frontline

Updated 22/04/2016

Premier Lists Exempt Jobs – R U Mentioned?

During Question Time, Premier Ted Baillieu read through a list of occupations stating these were exempt from his job cuts or the Sustainable Government (sic) policy.  Is your job mentioned by the Premier?

   'There are automatic exemptions for schools, hospitals, TAFEs, police, allied health workers, clerks of courts, custodial officers, forensic officers, juvenile justice workers, sheriff’s officers, child protection workers, community correction officers, disability support workers, housing service officers, school nurses, fire-fighters, and other exemptions are available at the direction and decision of departments.’

Later this week in Parliament, Premier Ted Baillieu failed to answer specifically whether Business and Innovation employees were 'back of office'.

With other exemptions available from your Department says the Premier, CPSU encourages all our members to contact HR or their manager and ask for the list to see who's also exempt. 

E-mail CPSU on enquiry@cpsuvic.org with the response.

Victoria's population has grown 20% in the last ten years and families are crying out for services yet the public service is one third less in number now than it was 20 years ago.  

The Government's key election commitments were to fix basic services and protect PS jobs and you can't remove 3,600 employees without impacting on services.  Speak Up & Save Jobs.

Every employee contributes to the delivery of services and we're ALL frontline. 

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