May Day Jobs Massacre

Updated 22/04/2016

The means removed from 4,200 workers to run their lives .

The Government intends to cut a further 600 jobs on top of the 3,600 already announced making a total of 4,200 jobs to go by 2014.  This number is only mentioned in BP1 – the Treasurer’s speech, page 3.

In the budget lock-up, DTF could not provide any information about where the cuts would come from, nor how that number was arrived at.

Karen Batt said, 'the budget will devastate services and frontline staff cannot be quarantined from cuts of this extent.'  'Paying for capital works by cutting your services, your human capital, is the wrong approach.'

'It’s recycled Kennett and this policy was soundly rejected by the community,' she said. 

Karen Batt said, 'she can’t understand why Baillieu wanted to win government if he doesn’t want to run one.'

There are numerous mentions of the Independent Review of State Finances (the Vertigan Report) in the BP1 (page 10) BP2 (page 31), the Budget Overview (page 20) that all point to a reduction in non-frontline roles (still no definition of ‘frontline’) and providing public sector reform by opening up and modernising the public sector.

In the budget lock-up the Ass. Treasurer would not commit to a release date for the report.  A visit across the ditch to New Zealand reveals the slash and contracting of public services agenda.

Karen Batt said, 'Victoria already has the lowest PS nos versus population of all the states – we’re on the bottom of the ladder.'

'These low PS nos, and low wages compared to other states, acts against Victoria when GST distribution occurs.'  

'Victoria gets less GST because of this,' she said.

There are various references to savings required from Departments.

BP3 at page 2 quotes savings implemented in this budget of $1 billion over four years however then claims at page 20 of the Budget overview that since coming to office, the Government has implemented savings rising to $2 billion annually by 2015-2016.

A table compiling estimated savings and revenue raising measures announced can be found at Table 1.1 on page 5 of BP2.

It is noted on page 2 of BP3 that savings equals Victorians benefitting from choice and being able to access high quality, low cost services.

Specific savings priorities per department can be found in BP3 but not limited to:

DBI – pg 15, through operation efficiencies and ceasing programs;
DEECD – pg 19, ceasing programs;
DoH –pg 27, improved efficiencies and reduced admin costs;
DHS – pg 37, concession cuts, reforms to housing maintenance;
DoJ – pg 44, streamlining corporate services – introduction of shared services;
DPCD – pg 50, ceasing programs, reduction of grants;
DP&C – pg 53, operational efficiencies;
DPI – pg 58, reduced spending on policy and back office;
DSE – pg 64, admin savings including reduced staff training and development;
DoT – pg 70, reduction of staff and office costs; and
DTF – pg 77, operational efficiencies.

All the budget papers can be found at

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