Year in Review & Financial Accounts

Updated 22/04/2016

Cuts to thousands of jobs combined with the intrusive colonisation by certain consultant firms with the ever present infiltration of the FIFO contractor workforce dominate the year for our members.    23 of our 53 Agreements were negotiated or being negotiated during the year and 1,118 new members were recruited so far.  Our net member funds stand at $2,412,976 at 30 June up from $1,814,790 at the same time last year with a operating surplus of $469,315 this year compared to $69,640 for 2011/12 financial year.

Visit here for Victorian and updated Federal accounts and the year’s overview.

Thousands of public service jobs go.  (FTE staffing trends from 2011 to 2013 source: Annual Reports)

  • Primary Industries down 542 EFT or 24%
  • Environment and Primary Industries (includes former DSE) down 508 EFT or 18%
  • Environment Protection Agency down 94 EFT or 22%
  • Education down 648 FTE or 22%
  • Health down 285 EFT or 18%
  • Parks down 122 EFT or 11%
  • Police down 244 EFT or 11%
  • Treasury and Finance down 105 EFT or 15%
  • State Development, Business and Innovation down 121 EFT or 18%
  • Essential Services Commission down 9 EFT or 13%
  • Justice down 486 FTE or 7%
  • Human Services down 659 EFT or 6%
  • Transport Planning & Local Infrastructure down 611 EFT or 51%
  • Planning & Community Development down 227 EFT or 23%
  • Public Transport Victoria down 83 EFT or 16%
  • Premier and Cabinet inc Arts down 12 EFT or just 3%


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