Headlight: New TAC Agreement ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Have Your Say

Updated 22/04/2016

New TAC Agreement ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Have Your Say

Our current TAC/VTF Agreement 2005-2008 expires on 31st July 2008 and negotiations for a new replacement Agreement will commence shortly.

This new Collective Agreement will determine our pay and conditions for the next two, three, or four years so it is important that you get involved and have your say about what you think should be included.

CPSU's local delegates group has prepared an online survey to make it easy to find out what issues are most important to members.

The survey is available at:

Please submit your completed survey by Thursday 10 April.

CPSU will use the results of the survey to draft a list of claims which will then be distributed to members shortly for further discussion.

CPSU then plans to hold an information session for all TAC members before we ask you to endorse the claims.

Please encourage your colleagues who are not CPSU members to join as CPSU membership is the only way to have your say on the claims we make on the Employer in a new Agreement.

Speak to a colleague today about the benefits of CPSU membership and have them contribute to our successes rather than just enjoying the benefits.


Please contact TAC/CPSU Liaison Officer Kristen Wischer on
9664 6877 or email Kristen_Wischer@tac.vic.gov.au if you have any questions about the survey.

Click here to view/print a copy of the current TAC/VTF EBA; http://www.cpsuvic.org/public_docs/AG845640-TAC-VTF-EA-2005-08.pdf


CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary

Thursday, 27 March 2008.

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