Forest, Fire & Region Group Jobs Update

Updated 18/07/2017

The State Government, as our Employer, has been in the media lately talking about jobs and protecting every job.

It appears that the State Government will go the extra mile to save jobs, such as those at the Heyfield saw mill, but the same commitment doesn’t seem to extend to our jobs in the Forest Fire and Regions Group with most jobs that will cease to exist under the consultant led restructure being located in regional Victoria.

The Department is adamant that “there are more jobs than unmatched people”.

If they’re so sure, why not provide a commitment about no forced redundancies or that no worker will be worse off, but they refuse.

DELWP has provided CPSU with a further response following our request for additional information however the response does not adequately address our members concerns, in particular; the lack of redeployment obligations, and the lack of information about KPMG's structure rationale, job value, and reporting lines.

CPSU understands that there will be new jobs, and welcomes new jobs in the VPS, but not at the cost of existing positions and not at the expense of the turmoil that's been created by throwing a thousand positions in the air, leaving three hundred unmatched, just to accomodate 39 extra roles.

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