Become a Pay Equity Advocate

Updated 06/08/2018

Sign up to become a Gender Pay Equity Advocate and play an active role in the campaign to help close the 12% gap.

Sign up to become a Gender Pay Equity Advocate!

As a CPSU Gender Pay Equity Advocate, you will play an active role in the campaign to help close the 12% gap.

This can include:

  • - Attending a CPSU pay equity audit workshop (sessions will run throughout 2018)
  • - Complete a gender pay audit of your workplace using our Gender Pay Audit Tool
  • - Display Worth 100% posters at your workplace
  • - Hand out CPSU flyers to female co-workers
  • - Educate co-workers about flexible work/ right to request pay reviews
  • - Liaise with CPSU with any concerns around pay discrepancies in the workplace
  • - Use the hashtag #cpsuworth100 on any social media posts related to the campaign
  • - Request CPSU to speak at your workplace about the campaign

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