First Attack: Fire Inquiry Supports Union Recommendations

Updated 22/04/2016

Public Sector Professional Fire Fighter News

Information for members employed in DSE, DPI, Parks Vic, & VicForests.

Fire Inquiry Supports Union Recommendations

The recently released parliamentary report into bushfires and public land management has identified and addressed many of the recommendations raised in CPSU's submission to the enquiry.

In raising members concerns the Community and Public Sector Union established an interagency fire steering committee.

This committee consisted of union members employed in Parks Victoria, DSE and Vic Forests, with written submissions received from our DPI members.

These members worked with CPSU officials in developing our formal submission to the parliamentary enquiry. The enquiry s final report has supported many of the unions issues and recommendations.

The reports executive summary states:

‚Äö?Ñ??Inadequate resource allocation, particularly of personnel, was cited by a number of stakeholders as a constraint on the level of prescribed burning. A related argument was that there has been a loss, from DSE in particular, of the knowledge required to maintain an adequate broad-scale prescribed burning program. The Committee concurs with these stakeholders and recommends a substantial increase in funding to engage skilled fire management personnel dedicated to undertaking prescribed burning activities.‚Äö?Ñ??

This is an encouraging statement and directly reflects the union s recommendations throughout our submission.

The report also recommended: ‚Äö?Ñ??‚Äö?Ѭ?‚Äö?Ѭ? That the Victorian Government provides recurring funding for a significant increase in regionally-based, permanent, or long-tenured, fire management personnel dedicated to the prescribed burning program‚Äö?Ѭ?‚Äö?Ñ??

The committees report further supports the union s recommendations specifically addressing matters concerning funding and personnel.

A copy of the Parliamentary Sub Committees report can be viewed at the following link:

A copy of CPSU's submission, along with all the other submissions, is also available this link;

Minister Jennings has responded to the release of the report and said this;

‚Äö?Ñ??Victoria s firefighters are recognised for their expertise in responding to fires and we will continue to lead the way in fire suppression as well as building on our recovery efforts.

‚Äö?Ñ??We will need to maintain a well-trained and experienced bushfire-fighting workforce and look after the wellbeing of those firefighters.

‚Äö?Ñ??I look forward to exploring the opportunities presented as a result of this Inquiry.

‚Äö?Ñ??The Government will present its formal response to the Inquiry within the next six months.‚Äö?Ñ??

CPSU will continue to utilise our interagency fire steering committee in monitoring the Government s response and any implementation of the reports recommendations.

Members employed in Parks Victoria, DSE, DPI and Vic Forests are encouraged to provide their feedback via their various branch sections (where established) or directly to the union at

Members are also encouraged to consider your employment entitlements and provisions particularly in respect to emergency work for our upcoming VPSA 09 negotiations.

To hold a workplace meeting in your area please contact the union at

Please distribute this bulletin and ask your colleagues to join CPSU.

Our 7 day a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year industrial protection ensures you have the principal public sector organisation looking after your working rights, winning wage increases, protecting your conditions, and providing personal industrial assistance when you need it.


Speak to a colleague today about the benefits of CPSU membership and have them contribute to our successes rather than just enjoying the benefits.

VPS - AGREEMENT - 2009 is coming !!!!!!!!!!!

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Victorian Branch Secretary

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

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