Serco's Signature Salary Shananigans
Updated 09/06/2020
Speed Camera operators have not had a pay rise since 2018 despite Serco having their contract renewed last year by the Department of Justice and Community Safety for 6 years with two 2 year extensions available however Serco is running through all the plays in their bargaining play book. Firstly their pay offer is less than half of what people received in the last agreement and fails to address; guaranteed minimum hours to part time workers in the agreement, job descriptions in the agreement to stop staff being down graded and going backwards, staff being properly categorised as shift workers, minimum rostering requirements allowing for work/life balance, redundancy, KPI's, backpay, health and safety, consultation, and bonuses. CPSU advises SERCO on behalf of members that a majority would vote against the current offer, if it were put to staff. Then Serco say they will reconsider their offer. CPSU meet with SERCO to provide our member's feedback about their offer on pay and conditions and union representatives work through the outstanding claims specifically; delegates training, health and safety, and rostering and shift work. CPSU even clarifies our claim requesting MRSCOs be classified as shift workers to maintain the 50% loading and have shift workers receive an extra weeks leave. SERCO advised originally they misunderstood the intent of this claim. However, they have rejected it. Unions advise again that a strong majority of members across Traffic Camera Services would reject the pay deal.

SERCO once again refused to give people guaranteed hours in the agreement, but then tried to say they would offer current employees an opportunity to have 16 hours put into their letter of offer. This dodgy side offer is inferior to the 20 hours per week union members are seeking and wouldn’t be offered to any future employees and would not be included in enterprise agreement. CPSU maintains that we want to see all workers at SERCO have access to guaranteed hours.
SERCO once again refused to give people guaranteed hours in the agreement, but then tried to say they would offer current employees an opportunity to have 16 hours put into their letter of offer. This dodgy side offer is inferior to the 20 hours per week union members are seeking and wouldn’t be offered to any future employees and would not be included in enterprise agreement. CPSU maintains that we want to see all workers at SERCO have access to guaranteed hours.
SERCO have now removed their 4 year pay offer and only are offering their low ball 3 year offer. Both pay offers were below inflation and the cost of living anyway and both pay offers were less than the last agreement. SERCO employees deserve a pay offer that keeps up with increasing costs and doesn’t have workers going backwards. SERCO's pay offers are;
- 3 year agreement offer: 1.25% year 1, 1.5% year 2, 1.75% year 3
- REMOVED - 4 year agreement: 1.25% year 1, 1.5% year 2, 2% year 3, 2% year 4
Despite SERCO delaying bargaining for 4 months, and employees not receiving a pay rise since 2018, SERCO is refusing to offer any back pay. SERCO gets rich off your work while you go backwards. SERCO continues to win government contracts but expects its workforce to bear the burden of their business model.
CPSU has received information from members that managers are misrepresenting our rights under the Serco Traffic Camera Services Employment Agreement 2017 AND behaving in a manner that could be seen as unreasonable, repeated, and in an unwanted manner. In one example, a manager has falsely included a term regarding annual leave that does not exist in the agreement. This is a breach. In another example, camera operators have received phone calls while off duty, in the middle of the night, where it could be alleged the behaviour would breach SERCO’s values and behaviour policies. If you are being given a directive by management, check with CPSU to make sure the directive does not infringe on your rights.
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