25km Rule Lifted as Restrictions Eased Further with new Support Available

Updated 16/06/2021

From 11:59pm on Thursday night, the 25km travel limit for Melbourne residents is removed. Home gatherings of two adults allowed. Public gatherings up to 20 people. 50% return to the office but if you can you must continue to work from home.  Gyms able to reopen. 

The State Government has also implemented a new package of short term lockdown employment supports for employees of certain public sector agencies affected by COVID-19 restrictions. Under the new Lockdown Employment Supports (LES) policy, support may be available to employees of certain agencies affected by reduced hours or business closures due to the lockdown that came into effect in Victoria at 11:59 pm on Thursday, 27 May 2021.

Employees unable to perform their role from 27 May 2021 to 17 June 2021 may also be eligible for payment to cover lost work during that period. However, employees who applied for the Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment before the LES was announced and whose applications are successful are not entitled to any payments under the LES for the period covered by the Commonwealth Payment.

Restrictions in both regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne will be eased from Thursday midnight as follows. 

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