Seasons Greetings and Thanks for What You Do - You Saved 2022

Updated 21/12/2022
Thanks to the support of all CPSU Victoria members we were able to achieve a lot in 2022.

  • 2,629 new members,
  • 21 new Agreements, 
  1. AMES Australia Administrative Staff Agreement 2021
  2. Arts Centre Melbourne Enterprise Agreement 2022
  3. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Enterprise Agreement 2022- 2025
  4. Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022
  5. Dental Therapists, Hygienists and Oral Health Therapists’ (Victorian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2022-2023
  6. Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement 2021
  7. Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority Enterprise Agreement 2021-2025
  8. Goulburn Wimmera Mallee Water Enterprise Agreement 2022
  9. HealthShare Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2022
  10. Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement 2021
  11. Melbourne Custody Centre Enterprise Agreement 2021
  12. Ravenhall Correctional Centre Enterprise Agreement
  13. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2021
  14. Southern Rural Water (SRW) Enterprise Agreement 2022
  15. TAC Enterprise Agreement 2021 – 2025
  16. Trust for Nature Enterprise Agreement 2021
  17. VicForests Enterprise Agreement 2020
  18. Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022
  19. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) Enterprise Agreement 2021
  20. Victorian Institute of Teaching Enterprise Agreement 2021
  21. Zoos Victoria Salaried Staff Agreement 2022
  • 3,210 member enquiries handled,
  • 692 new representation requests made,
  • 274 WorkCover claims lodged,
  • 122 Delegates & HSR's trained
  • 20 OHS refreshers
  • 984 members undertook PS Career Training


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