Protected Industrial Action Underway at Port Phillip Prison

Updated 27/05/2024

CPSU has notified G4S that their inferior pay and entitlement offer has been overwhelmingly rejected and members intend to commence protected action. 

It is important that members only take the protected actions that have been notified which are listed below.

Only members of the Community and Public Sector Union are protected when taking these protected industrial actions.

The actions notified to date include:

  • On 21 May 2024, each Relevant Employee will engage in an Indefinite ban in the form of checking, answering, or responding to communications and directions from G4S management in the form of phone calls, emails, text messages and social media platforms, meetings, briefings, or other forms of communication, excluding situations where there is an immediate risk to health and safety.
  • On 21 May 2024, each Relevant Employee will engage in Indefinite bans on the completion / signing / dating / submitting of the case management paperwork (file notes) required for SDO 23. Discussions will continue to occur and any prisoner well being matter will be reported as per policy.
  • On 21 May 2024, each Relevant Employee will engage in an Indefinite ban on arriving at the front door of the Port Phillip Prison prior to the start time of the shift. This will mean scanning on and proceeding through barrier control will be conducted during shift time?
  • On Thursday 30 May 2024, each Relevant Employee will engage in an Indefinite ban in the form of the early lockdown of prisoners by 30 minutes to allow CPSU members to meet and discuss the days bargaining activities?
  • On Thursday 30 May 2024, each Relevant Employee will engage in Indefinite bans on complying with the media policy of G4S (Port Phillip Prison) allowing members to speak with the media?

Upcoming 18 hour Strike

CPSU will be notifying separately of a stoppage of work to be undertaken soon. 

CPSU will supply a morning BBQ and coffee for this action for members.

It is vital that all members attend and stand together to show that we demand a better deal.

*** Please update your email addresses and include at least your personal email so we can contact you when not at work ***

Send your updated information to

Members arriving at the front door of the Port Phillip Prison prior to shift start time before scanning on and proceeding through barrier control during shift time.

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