Comprehensive Boost to VPS Conditions Coming - Vote YES

Updated 25/06/2024

Our new VPS 2024 Agreement also delivers a comprehensive boost to VPS conditions

• New leave entitlement of 5 days to recognise an employee’s health around reproductive rights, menstruation, and menopause.
• Ensuring superannuation payments will be made on Primary Caregiver Parental Leave up to 104 weeks (from 52 weeks) and allowing for shift workers on Primary Caregiver or Additional Secondary Caregiver Parental Leave to receive shift penalties they would have received had they not been on leave.
• A joint feasibility study and working group to explore how alternative ways of work can be implemented in the VPS.
• An agreed mechanism to compensate some additional unpaid hours for Grade 5 and above (or equivalent) employees.
• New fixed term and casual conversion arrangements.
• Increased requirements for Employers to give genuine consideration to flexible work requests made by any employee and provide reasons if requests cannot be approved.
• Improved processes to support flexible and hybrid work in the public service.
• Cashing out of annual leave not limited to months during term of agreement.
• Continuation of the review process seeking to establish a common set of emergency management provision and insertion of a 12-month review timeframe from the commencement of the VPS Agreement 2024.
• The current Agreement will be amended to remove the requirement that an employee serve 3 months of paid continuous service before becoming eligible to paid parental leave under the new Agreement.
• Clarify the application of shift penalties and overtime to casual employees including confirming casual loading is part of a casual’s Salary (defined term).
• Update gender affirmation leave provision and ensure available leave can be taken across the life of employment.
• Update implementation of change clause to ensure consistency with model provision.
• Clarify the Disturbance allowance payable for up to 10 and over kilometres of travel.
• Re-wording of clause regarding relocation costs to ensure intent of existing provision is clear.
• Allow for skill recognition for previously held roles.
• Amend the blood donation leave provisions.
• Amend the study leave provisions to clarify entitlements.
• Update the leave provisions about attending the First People’s Assembly Victoria.
• Update the payment of salaries provisions to ensure compliance with the Financial Management Act with regards to overpayments.
• Update Probationary Period - New Employees clause and Leave of Absence clause to allow for the employer to consider short breaks in service as part of continuous service.
• Amend Personal Leave clause to update evidence requirements to provide for satisfaction of a reasonable person test and to provide some flexibility in evidence requirements with respect to employees with a chronic illness.
• Amend the classification structure to include set pay-points for VPS 5 to 7 classified employees based on the current progression amounts (as adjusted for agreed wage increases). Insert transitional arrangements for existing VPS 5 to 7 classified Employees employed prior to the commencement of this Agreement.
• Separate OHS & HSR content from Industrial Training clause.

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