Fair Work Approves our VPS Agreement 2024

Updated 26/08/2024

The Fair Work Commission has formally approved our VPS Agreement 2024.  Congratulations to all.

Please note the following operative dates

[5] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from 19 August 2024.
     The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 9 April 2028.

CPSU is writing to all employers under the agreement to confirm the application of all new entitlements and payments to the workforce.

This letter will also request the staging timeline from employers over the next few fortnightly pay cycles of the cash and salary payments to the workforce.

•    $5,600 cost of living payment.
•    3% salary increase.
•    back payment for the 3% salary increase to 1 May 2024.
•    1.25% mobility cash payment based on top of pay band rate
•    progression (2%) payment and/or top of band (1.5%) payment.

The additional 1% equivalent cash payment for shift workers applies from 1st October 2024

CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary

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