Primary Industries - Are you covered by Appendix 8 - VPSA

Updated 22/04/2016

Are you covered by Appendix 8 of the VPSA Agreement?

As part of the upcoming negotiations, the Department wishes to ‚Äö?Ñ??consolidate Appendix 8, scrap certain allowances they claim are no longer being used, overhaul the Overtime provisions and model the emergency provisions on those of Appendix 9.

CPSU is seeking feedback from members on Appendix 8.

This can be individual feedback or take the form of an Occupational Focus Group.

This feedback will be used to formulate the Union s position on Appendix 8 at the negotiating table.

Interested individual, parties or occupational groups can contact and/or send feedback directly to the Industrial Organiser for Primary Industries, Yana Canteloupe, at

The Community and Public Sector Union proudly represents Public Sector workers in all fields of employment across Victoria.

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