The Torch - Workplace Agreement Update 7/2008

Updated 22/04/2016
Make SSO s A Pay Offer - Bargaining Update 7/08

CPSU believes that DEECD have sent costings for the SSO Agreement to Cabinet to be approved, so a pay offer can be made however DEECD has been told loud and clear just how angry SSOs are about their conditions of employment, and how keen SSOs are to defend their claim for a better deal.

CPSU says further delays in the Government making an offer is unacceptable.

It s a long wait for the lowest paid DEECD employees to see what the Department thinks is a reasonable offer.

Cabinet sits in the second week of September.

CPSU again urges DEECD to expedite matters, as the last SSO Agreement expired in April.

CPSU s negotiating team were advised this week that as SSOs are wanting more than the Government s pay policy (3.25%
p.a.) that the DEECD offer had to go through a Cabinet process for approval.

- Make SSOs A Pay Offer Petition!

"Let s Do the Time Warp Again‚Äö?Ñ??

SSOs Agreement negotiation is stuck in a time warp of changes in Industrial Law which affects bargaining processes.

The Federal Government s new Transition Legislation replaces some aspects of Work Choices and these will apply until all of Work Choices is finally replaced in 2010.

Though this is an unusual time, there are unusual remedies.

SSOs do have another option.

CPSU members can avoid losing their Award conditions and the gains made in previous Agreements by varying or extending our current Agreement under these Transition provisions.

There are no limits to what changes can be made under a variation and extension to an Agreement, except that the Agreement cannot exceed three years, and no industrial action can be taken.

SSOs have said they want to take action to support their claim.

SSOs could get a fair, decent pay rise, fairer dimensions of work and a more realistic classification system under a variation and extension of the current Agreement, and this is an option for DEECD to explore.

DEECD is seeking a four year Agreement, but CPSU needs the Department to demonstrate how that will advantage SSOs.

CPSU s team continues the important task of getting the Dimensions of Work right.

This is essential so work can be clearly defined at a particular classification level.

Clearer guidelines will mean fewer incorrect classifications and potentially makes local decision making easier.

Award inclusion is also being negotiated, with DEECD eager to remove several Award conditions they claim are outdated or superseded by later Agreements.

CPSU maintains that Award conditions were created in a climate where the ‚Äö?Ñ??No Disadvantage Test‚Äö?Ñ?? protected SSOs and underpinned our Agreement.

A complete restructure of the classification system, to fit with the new ‚Äö?Ñ??Dimensions of Work‚Äö?Ñ?? is still being worked on.

EBA Updates

Please email to arrange for a detailed briefing at your school.

Please distribute this bulletin to your colleagues who are not currently CPSU members and encourage them to join.

CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Join the Team that Delivers!

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