Prison Blues - CV and CPSU CC - 25 November 2008
CV and CPSU Consultative Committee
Notes of the meeting held on 25 November 2008 with discussions arising on Rosters, Ararat ESOTAC, Police Checks, Master Plan, Recreation Officer Classification, Classification Inconsistencies, Surge Beds and OHS.
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Corrections Victoria / CPSU
High Level Consultative Committee
Meeting Notes - Tuesday 25th November 2008
1. Present
K.Anderson DoJ K.Batt CPSU
R.Wise DoJ M.Nestor CPSU
M.Morrison DoJ C.Kells CPSU
C.Smythe DoJ G.Greaves CPSU
N.Harding DoJ
D.McCormack DoJ
2. Prison Rosters ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ MOU s
Loddon; CPSU said at previous meetings with CV, it was agreed that the Management and Loddon Local Group would write a trial 9/80 Roster with 1 only 12 hour shift, also agreement was previously reached on the wording for a MOU for a trial 9/80.
CV suggested they wanted a commitment from staff to work such a roster, CV also suggested there would be no productivity gain to offset the extra cost of the roster but if enough staff were willing to participate, it could be more acceptable to CV.
CV said Loddon A/GM and Local Group would begin writing a draft roster.
Courts; CPSU said Court staff had prepared a draft roster and presented it to their management 3 weeks ago. CV said they could not conceive of it working but would follow it up and look at it.
MAP trial 9/80 is now ready for its final review.
3. Consultative Structure;
Structure is now in place at all Prisons and is working. Director of Prisons will now attend all Mid level Meetings.
4. Ararat Update;
Construction for the 40 bed ESOTAC unit is planned to start in March 2009, with an operational date of April 2010. Questions were raised re. The management of prisoners to be accommodated in the proposed 8 bed unit. CV said that offenders placed in this unit would be managed similar to the rest of the prison population by being able to mix, have access to programs and employment. CV plans to hold meeting to brief both Staff and Community early December.
Staffing Status for ESOTAC Staff, CPSU raised concerns with the number of staff rotating through this area having a detrimental effect on Staff and morale. CV committed to look at alternate staffing arrangements but stressed they wish to maintain flexibility in any proposal to manage staff.
5. Police Check Proposal;
CPSU have provided a preliminary response to the Clause 9. Further meeting to discuss arranged for Monday 1st December between CPSU and Deputy Commissioner.
6. Master Plan;
Dhurringile ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Upgrade going ahead.
Beechworth ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Development will mirror current site with covered central recreation area.
PPP - 59 bed Quick Build proposal is being considered. PPP management have also requested OK for further development of their site. CV said PPP Local Group would be informed of all decisions and any development.
7. Recreations Officer Classification;
HR was asked to report on the difference re; three Prisons employing recreation Officers as VPS.
HR said they were unable to supply differences in duties.
CV said they had to balance what was required from different locations and were not inclined to change.
CPSU to contact affected staff with the intention of taking the matter to the Commission.
8. Classification Inconsistencies;
CPSU raised concerns that it appeared a number of roles had varying classifications due to location only therefore not being classified appropriately according to position descriptors in our Victorian Public Service Agreement.
Positions of concern included Program Support, Maintenance and Fire Awareness Officers. HR to look at descriptors to identify variances in these positions.
9. Surge Beds;
Agreement reached at MRC, Ararat and Barwon. Loddon to be part of 9/80 roster negotiations. MAP ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ CV to provide a statement on remand numbers and double bunks.
CV and CPSU were unsure of the status of Marngoneet as CPSU is unaware of consultation taking place at this location.
CV expects current bed numbers will accommodate a 16% rise in prisoner population, further rises in prisoner numbers would require the building of a new prison.
10. OH&S Steering Committee;
CPSU asked why CPSU s OH&S officer could not participate, is this an Advisory committee or is it to be set up as per the Act and does it involve the private prisons?
CV said it was set up as an advisory committee to the public prisons and was to include public personal as participants.
CV said private prisons risk is contracted to the private provider. CV will take on notice what is appropriate for Government Sector and report back.
11. Other Items;
- Prisoner Medication; CPSU again raised concerns over the absence of a Directors Instruction detailing the legal process required to issue / dispense medication to prisoners. CV advised Justice Health would have a draft completed by the end of November for CPSU and CV comment.
- Northern Region ERG; CPSU requested that ERG was to be reinstated in this region. CV agreed there would be a requirement to have an ERG in the region. CV said discussions would take place to recreate ERG in Dhurringile and would stipulate size and policy in a Directors Instruction. CPSU to receive details in an e-mail.
- SESG Tactical Fire Arm Review; CV said long arm proposal has been passed on to the Executive Director Police, Emergency Services and Corrections. The Commissioner Corrections Victoria indicated he was satisfied with the proposal and had signed off on it. Commissioner CV will meet with Exec Director P,ES&C next week to discuss.
- Recognition of Prior Learning; CPSU still waiting for a meeting with Learning and Development on this subject. Director of Prisons to arrange a meeting to enable CPSU to discuss.
- Protocols for Cell Extraction; CPSU still asking for DI / Protocols for cell extractions. CV committed to further discuss with CPSU.
- Employment of Casuals; Deputy Commissioner to meet with CPSU Monday 1st December on this item.
- Industry Safety Induction; CPSU raised concerns that this proposal changed work practices and had not been through consultation process, also a number of items required clarification and discussion. IR committed to supply CPSU with the workafe report and recommendations that resulted in the development of the proposed new process. CV also committed to provide advice on what qualifications are required to train a trainer. These concerns had previously been raised with OH&S Unit without response.
- Subsidised Privileges; CPSU submitted an e-mail withdrawing subsidised tea and coffee privileges for prison officers. Director of Prisons was unfamiliar with the policy and committed to report back to CPSU
Meeting Closed.
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CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary
3 December 2008
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