Election Notice - Victorian Branch
Pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 nominations are called for.
Pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 nominations are called for:
- Branch President
- Branch Vice-President (2)
- Branch Secretary
- Branch Assistant Secretary
- Delegates to Branch Council from the following electorates:
- Electorate 1 (4)
- Electorate 2 (2)
- Electorate 3 (3)
- Electorate 4 (8)
- Electorate 5 (5)
- Electorate 6 (4)
- Electorate 7 (2)
- Electorate 8 (2)
- Electorate 9 (2)
Written nominations, which comply with the Rules of the Union must reach me not later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, 28 April 2016. Nominations cannot be withdrawn after this time.
A NOMINATION FORM is available upon request from the Returning Officer or from the Office of the Union. The use of this form is not compulsory providing nominations comply with the rules
Candidates may submit a statement of not more than 250 words and a photograph of the candidate not later than 5pm on Thursday, 5 May 2016. Statements and photographs may be sent by e-mail to vicelections@aec.gov.au (link sends e-mail)
By Post: Australian Electoral Commission, GPO Box 4382, MELBOURNE VIC 3001
By Fax: 03 9285 7149
By Hand: Australian Electoral Commission, Level 8 Casselden, 2 Lonsdale Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000
By Email: vicelections@aec.gov.au (link sends e-mail) (nominations MUST BE signed and scanned)
Note that emails greater than 6 MB in size may not be accepted by the AEC’s firewall.
BALLOT: If a ballot is necessary, voting material will be posted on Thursday 19 May 2016 to each eligible member at the address shown in the CPSU records as at 7 April 2016. The ballot will close at 10:00 am on Thursday, 9 June 2016.
NOTE: A copy of the AEC’s election report can be obtained from the Union or from me after the completion of the election.
Jeff Webb
Returning Officer
14 April 2016
Telephone: (03) 9285 7141
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