Primary Industries - Snobs Creek Make Gains

Updated 22/04/2016

Snobs Creek Make Gains

Snobs Creek members affected by the massive restructure announced on 5th August 2008 which will see 40 key scientific positions across regional Victoria threatened are still battling strong in their campaign to oppose their forced relocation.

The Snobs Creek alternative proposal was lodged with DPI on 17th December 2008.

Click here to read/print the alternative proposal;

In early January, CPSU State Secretary invited the Secretary of DPI ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Mr. Richard Bolt ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ to visit the Snobs Creek site and engage directly with affected members.

Mr. Bolt has since replied and has accepted the offer.

To view correspondence between CPSU and DPI, click here:

This is a great achievement for Snobs Creek members.

The visit will provide an over-due opportunity for the DPI Secretary to learn first hand how the relocation would detrimentally impact upon both members and science in DPI.

Yesterday's statement of intention for this year, delivered to Parliament by the Premier, also provides a ray of hope for DPI employees and their families who are seriously affected by the Department's actions.

Premier's Statement of Intention

The Premier has invited Victorians to visit his website ‚Äö?Ñ?Æ ‚Äö?Ñ?Æ and provide feedback on the initiatives contained in this statement and this should provide our affected colleagues with an important opportunity to share their stories.

DPI plans to close 10 regional sites which will forcibly retrench key staff or require them to relocate their families and decimate these local communities.

- broad acre lands in Kyabram, Walpeup, Toolangi and Rutherglen are affected with a proposal to cease work at these venues
- the Werribee Piggery will be closed
- the science effort at Snobs Creek closed and relocated to Queenscliff.
- Relocation of research farm staff from Rainbow, Sea Lake, Charlton and Stawell.


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