Prison Blues - Mid Level Consultation DoJ / CPSU Outcomes

Updated 22/04/2016

Minutes of Meeting held on 27th April 2009


M.Morrison DoJ CV / C.Kells CPSU
N.Harding DoJ IR / G.Greaves CPSU


L.Norman DoJ CV / M.Nestor CPSU


- 2008 4 - Red / Blue book ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ Prior Learning

CPSU; Queried whether a process exists for qualified staff from other jurisdictions to have their qualifications recognised and express interest in Public Sector rolls.

CV; There is no specific process but all national qualifications (eg. Cert iii & Cert iv ) held by new applicants to CV will be recognised. All new applicants to CV will be required to complete recruit orientation course.

Currently, other than for recruit Prison Officers, only Operations Managers and above vacancies are advertised outside of CV.

- 2008 5 SESG Tactical Firearm Review

CPSU; Status requested

CV; Trial is ready to proceed as soon as the supplier is able to supply the correct firearms.

CPSU; Query as to whether the Escort Matrix would be reviewed.

CV; have reviewed the escort matrix against the Commissioners requirements and the rewritten Regulations and are satisfied the matrix will continue to serve as well as it has in the past. At any time the Commissioners requirements gives the ability to work outside the matrix with a risk assessment.

CPSU; Query as to the Emergency vehicle status.

CV; OH&S component finalised. Non OH&S component is ongoing.

- 2008 6 SESG Permanent Escort Group

CPSU; Query as to the status

CV; Funded until 2012. Forecast for the next 12 months completed, and, as one member is already ongoing, five more fixed terms will be advertised to cover the next 12 months. CV intends to revert to the old model which would include mixed duties for the escort group as CV believe that permanent escort duty is not a healthy model.

- 2008 7 Relocation SESG Intel Industries

CPSU; Query as to the status

CV; understand that the number of toilets available is still contentious; concede that at peak times another toilet would be an advantage. CV is awaiting further advice.

- 2008 12 Disbanding of ERG in Northern Region with out clause 9

CPSU advises that an appropriate and timely ERG response is available to both Prisons.

CV; no barrier to Beechworth staff joining ERG. It is understood that no staff from Beechworth have yet applied.
CV is satisfied that the response would be satisfactory given the demands of the region. To be monitored.

- 2008 13 Use of Casuals in Higher Duties ie; (1 day)

CPSU seeks confirmation that GMs have been advised on the question of using Casuals in higher duties.

CV discussed the use of casuals and suggested that perceived misuse of casuals should first be a local issue.

- 2008 16 OH&S Steering Committee

CPSU queried the status of this committee and whether any meetings are scheduled before the July restructure.

CV; is unaware at this time.

- 0309 22 Employees placed on Sick Leave by management.

CPSU believe that some locations are directing Officers to take another day, off on sick leave, if they fail to reconfirm of their return date by 3pm the day prior to their return.

CV; will inquire of location the reason behind this and will further discuss at next meeting.

CPSU enquired as to the practicality of requiring only those staff that are unable to advise of their return date to make a call before close of business on the day prior to their return.

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Victorian Branch Secretary

Friday 15 May 2009

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