Child Protection: Union Submits 20 Recommendations for the Future

Updated 22/04/2016

CPSU thanks you all members for theur comments, views and facts which have informed our submission to the Ombudsman.

In summary, our main points are:

  • There must be a caseload ceiling and a limit per child protection worker.
  • One case should equal one child irrespective of family or other models of operation.
  • Hundreds of new staff are required to meet the workload.
  • Attracting and retaining staff requires a better pay and career structure.
  • Rural areas warrant special allowances like those received in DPI and DSE as a specific pay boost given the nature and the isolation of the work.

View the full list here from the end of our submission:

We have emphasised workforce and health and safety issues, not practice ones as the convergence of each demands an industrial settlement for the workforce.

Once again thank you all for submitting such great material and before the timeline of July 31st.

A special thank you to an exhausted Kobie Howe, who compiled and composed our submission.

Keep on the front foot ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ the Grand Prix subsidy would employ 600 more child protection workers.

It is a matter of choice for the government where it spends its money and that choice defines our values.

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