Olive Leaf ....

Updated 22/04/2016

Non Payment of 08/09 PPDs is Not Acceptable
CPSU Child Protection members across the Loddon Mallee region met via teleconference to discuss non payment of 08/09 PPDs and it was clear that workers and supervisors at many offices had completed their obligations yet now in 2010 were still awaiting payment of their progression amounts. And by now, also significant back pay.


Members should be congratulated for their constructive efforts to resolve this at the local level and with HR in the first instance, yet this has been to no avail. Workload pressures were also raised.

CPSU members discussed their situations, asked questions and heard a report back from CPSU Industrial Officers Mandy Coulson and Andy Capp about their rights, and about how the Career Progression System SHOULD be functioning.

Members across all offices unanimously passed a motion strongly stating it was ‘…unacceptable that 08/09 PPDs had not been processed or paid –… Members will work together with CPSU to ensure this is resolved… .

Now that we have been made aware of this situation, CPSU, together with members, will be working to ensure that these entitlements are paid, the correct process followed, and that a commitment is made by DHS to ensure this will not be repeated.

CPSU will be corresponding with DHS, and seeking a high level meeting with the Region. We will continue to involve members in helping to resolve this issue.


Hopefully we will not need to resort to going to Fair Work Australia, the new Industrial Tribunal that replaces the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, to enforce member s entitlements, but can resolve it constructively within the Region.

The region wide conference was so productive, that members have organised another:

Regional Teleconference
Bendigo, Swan hill and Mildura Offices,
see your local delegate for room details

This meeting will address progress, and other workload and related issues. Make sure you come along, and be a part of helping to improve your working conditions, together with your colleagues and the union. Not a member yet? Fax a membership form to CPSU on 03 9662-4591, or bring it to the meeting on Thursday. Questions? Email Mandy at mcoulson@cpsuvic.org.

Asking you all to accept ‘no progression outcome or payment is not legal.

CPSU is keen to make sure all Child Protection members understand you Cannot Agree/Be Made to Agree, To Forego Progression Payments or Outcomes.

This does not happen anywhere else in the state, and is not legal – a group of members cannot be asked to ‘contract out of our Victorian Public Service Agreement.

Anyone being asked to do so should report this to CPSU immediately.

Early reports indicate the wheels have begun to turn now that the union is involved – but your help will still be needed. Make sure you and your colleagues are all informed, and active in helping to resolve this issue, and moving on to tackle other workload issues together.

The best way to do this is by joining CPSU (see form at www.cpsuvic.org) and getting involved this Thursday.

Look forward to speaking with you all then!

Please distribute this bulletin and ask your colleagues to join CPSU to have their voice heard and views represented.

Our 7 day a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year industrial protection ensures you have the principal public sector organisation looking after your working rights, winning wage increases, protecting your conditions, and providing personal industrial assistance when you need it.


Speak to a colleague today about the benefits of CPSU membership and have them contribute to our successes rather than just enjoying the benefits.

CPSU - 125 in 2010.

When 1,000 colonial public servants crammed into the Athenaeum Hall in Collins Street on 17 June 1885 to form the Victorian Public Service Association they had no idea that we d be still here and turning 125 this year.



Victorian Branch Secretary

Tuesday 2 February 2010

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