The Last Lucerne Plot: Week 1 Photo Competition Winner

Updated 22/04/2016

The first weekly winner of the CPSU Photographic Competition for 2011 is Graeme Phyland of DPI in Tatura.

Graeme submitted a photograph of staff harvesting the last plot in a Lucerne research crop. The photo shows some of the invaluable scientific research undertakan by CPSU members – work which contributes to the scientific and agricultural business future of our state. The photograph also indicates the diversity of types of work in the Victorian Public Sector with staff in jeans out in fields in regional victoria doing physical work.


Congratulations Graeme. Graeme wins a $50 Woolworths Gift Voucher.

There are still 4 weeks remaining to submit your photos. Find out more about the competition here:

We're looking for any photo illustrating work in the Victorian Public Sector.

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