Bargaining 2011 Update

Updated 22/04/2016

Two at the Table but only One is Bargaining

After yesterdays’ meeting with the Government, it’s clear now that only one side in these talks is interested in bargaining. 

CPSU representatives could not again get a new wage offer from the Government even though the union has indicated it is prepared to support the ‘productivity’ discussed.  (see points below)

While the government is happy to legislate to backdate MP’s pay rises, there is no such offer or urgency when it comes to reaching Agreement on their workforces’ wages.

Our Victorian Public Service Agreement, with fourteen other Agreements applying to Arts Institutions, Parks, VicSES, and Parliamentary Officers, amongst others, all expired eight (8) weeks ago.

The outcome from bargaining for these Agreements impacts on the lives and families of 36,000 government employees, however on quantum the government said it could not make an offer for maybe another 2 weeks. 

The government claim they cannot make a general wages offer until they know what child protection changes will cost indicating that they only intend to spend a certain amount. 

A suitable outcome is important for 1,000 child protection workers and the government had been told in no uncertain terms that 35,000 other employees would not appreciate the stalling and the trade-off just to save the Minister’s public reputation.

On this basis there is no point meeting again without a new offer and CPSU will now exercise our rights under the Federal legislation and commence applying to take protected action (PABO). 

CPSU advised the government reps of this.

The government said it will also not support superannuation choice, where the nominated fund does not have an EFT arrangement for funds transfer despite the law.

Remarkably, the government were still even presenting a draft agreement yesterday that included all their items (management log) involving the loss of entitlements and the measures aimed at making employment more insecure like extending contract employment. 

They agreed to remove these.

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    1. productivity reason in Implementation of Change notifications,

    2. agreed process for independent review after 6 weeks for

       sick leave for unspecified illness,

    3. 30 day renewable suspension and right to be heard during

       investigation phase, and

    4. progression after 6 months minimum service.

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How Long is Long Enough to Wait?  Is the Government Acting in Good Faith?

The Government has had this eight week period and longer to cost what their package was worth and should have done so. 

This further stalling would indicate a lack of genuineness on their behalf.

Today’s AGE story at least signals that they're hurting and taking some damage in their polling.

They've spent DTF time doing costings on our ambit that's 6 months out of date but can't cost the four productivities we agree on and they say are worth "lots" to them. 

Increasing the spending power of the public sector workforce at this time would actually help stimulate and grow the Victorian economy.

CPSU would like the Government to look at this in the same way they look at investing taxpayer dollars in motor races and golf professionals that attract tourists and business to Victoria.


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