Govt Behaviour to be held to Account
In a major embarrassment for the Baillieu Government, Fair Work Australia has today reached a provisional view that termination and arbitration was the next step to resolve the bargaining impasse between the Government and CPSU members.
The Government had applied for a 6 week suspension of our action citing the re-imposition of safe caseloads for child protection workers as their reasons.
The Government's arguments for suspension were lame and really only a smokescreen to further drag out the impasse on wages.
CPSU argued that there was no possibility of an agreement being reached and advised Fair Work that termination and arbitration was the only option given the approach by Govt to recent negotiations.
The job redundancy announcement ambush last week was still fresh in all our minds.
The Commissioner said he was NOT optimistic that the parties could reach agreement on wages.
This was consistent, he said, with the views expressed in his statement last Thursday 15/12.
Commissioner Smith said he would bring his final order down at 12 NOON on Friday 23/12.
All Protected Action to Cease Immediately
Commissioner Smith has asked for undertakings about CPSU protected industrial action in the interim.
CPSU undertook to cease all protected action across all areas of Government immediately, in anticipation of his final order.
Members Now One Step Closer to a Decent Pay Rise
The termination from Friday means compulsory conciliation will take place from the decision date for 21 days.
If wages are not resolved by 16 January 2012 the matter will go to a full bench of Fair Work for arbitration.
The Government is quite distressed about the prospects of arbitration on money and other aspects of our claims considering their 10% job redundancy announcement and their dishonest behaviour during the bargaining before Fair Work.
Commissioner Smith has told both parties he believes Child Protection issues could be resolved in the time frame.
Commissioner Smith said he would be available from 6 January to assist.
The behaviour of our membership to respect Fair Work's request to pause the escalation of our protected industrial action in November whilst conciliation was being facilitated is acknowledged.
I again request this co-operation and ask ALL members to cease all protected action forthwith.
I thank our members for the discipline displayed.
CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary
21 December 2011
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