Prisons Division Meeting on Wednesday 12th March 2008

Updated 22/04/2016
Minutes of the Prisons Division Meeting held on 12 March 2008


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Minutes of the PD Meeting with CV and DoJ are also included:


Peter Hanley CPSU I.O.
Mark Nester P.D. President Ararat
Colin Rosewarne P.D. Executive P.P.P.
Grant Halliday Langi Kal-Kal
Neil Marten M.A.P.
Nunzio Guidice M.A.P.
Gary Menhennitt M.A.P.
Cheryl Miszkowiec M.R.C.
Jayne Poulton. D.P.F.C.
Will Dodson Tarrengower
Gary Morton J.L.T.C.
Rob Taylor P.P.P.
Gary Greaves P.D. Secretary Barwon


Mark Nestor opened the meeting with an apology for the problem experienced with the conference phone and read the CPSU Secretary’s report;

As of today (11/3) we currently 20 open cases for individuals in CORE prisons.

It is likely one of these will be closed this week as the member is not taking our advice.

No cases at GEO

3 in PPP.

I have no new Implementation of Change notifications, other than the ones we have been discussing at the meetings with DoJ and Corrections.

Training program commences this week.

We have sourced training in HREOC and the Charter from the Ombudsman’s office for PPP.

Meeting with CV and DoJ proceeded:

Click here to view/print the notes from the meeting with CV and DOJ;

Rosters: Still to complete DPFC: MAP: MARNGONEET: LODDON:

MAP Rosters, MAP’s GM submitted a proposal that requested
$1.5 Million extra to their budget to implement a 9/80 roster at MAP.  PD could not support this proposal.

Local Group drafted a letter in conjunction with the PD and submitted it to MAP’s GM.

MAP’s GM informed the courts they were not considered a part of 9/80 by CPSU.

CPSU to write to court staff to explain strategy for 9/80.

DPFC are hoping to get a trial in place in the next few weeks with appropriate review mechanism. P Hanley to attend to draft MOU.

MRC reports a shortage of staff to meet roster requirements.
P Hanley to attend MRC Local Group / Management meeting.

DPFC asked where MOU’s sat in relation to the EBA.  CPSU I.O said MOU cannot be contradictory to EBA.

All MOU’s must be signed by CPSU Branch Secretary K Batt who is the only one with authority to sign any document that is binding on CPSU.

Communicable Disease Working Party meeting, main topic is still the subject of Condoms in Prisons.  Next meeting April/May.  PD suggests DOJ OH&S unit and CPSU OH&S become involved.  PD is awaiting the minutes of the last meeting.

All locations with concerns and comments are to refer them to the CPSU representatives of the working party.

LODDON 9/80 has not moved forward.

Marngoneet has had a meeting between Management and their Local Group on rosters. GM has agreed to develop criteria for their MOU with in a week, trial rosters will be the roster already in place. CPSU I.O insisted that the roster review committee is to be a CPSU committee.

Prisoner Medication. CPSU is still waiting on CV’s reply to CPSU’s list of concerns.

Uniform DI. CPSU said they could not sign off on the DI in its present form.

CV said consultation had taken place and they intended to issue the DI without CPSU agreement.

Regulation 8. Documents are confidential but CPSU and CV will meet for a full briefing on 13th March.

Barrier Control CV have made changes to the DI in negotiation with CPSU and issued a new DI.  CV reports there is opposition to the new DI by the GM’s who believe there will be an influx of contraband if Prison Officers are not scanned twice before entering the Prison.

VSAT CJEP CV said their letter on this subject was obscure.
This effects 3 locations, effected Reps will be involved as project is not operational as yet.

Prison Incidents (Medical) still awaiting minutes of meeting with DOJ from F Broadman.

Recreation Officers. We have asked for a report into the status of the request to move Rec Officers from the VPS to the COG structure in the event that they have custodial duties.

CPSU still waiting.

Ararat are expanding the Extended Supervision Orders unit out side the Prison. Discussions needed on staffing arrangements and how it will operate.

Cell Extraction Data. CVC advised they have no issue with supplying the data to the CPSU but as yet have not forwarded the data.

Police and Emergency Games. CV said that participants would receive 100% of their first day and 50% of subsequent days if competing. PD have not seen confirmation of this in hard copy as yet.

SESG Firearms report. The meeting CV committed to hold with SESG reps. has not yet been arrange by CV.

CPSU Delegate training has begun with the first 2-day course held for Barwon and Marngoneet at Marngoneet.

Prisons’ Division has reiterated the importance of never searching Prisoners, their property or cells one out after allegations by prisoners against staff. PD to follow up on the legal rights of Prison Officers when questioned at Police stations.

Tarrengower reported they have been required to search visitor’s vehicles one out.

PD suggested Local group raise this as a local issue. LKK reported they had a simular problem.

Langi Kal-Kal staff escorting prisoners on day leave were advised in writing by their Management that they were not entitled to a meal allowance unless the escort exceeded 7 hours. To be referred to CPSU compliance.

DPFC expressed concern over the number of snakes in DPFC grounds. PD suggested that if it was a problem it should be referred to the local OH&S reps.

CPSU I.O advised local groups that if changes to work practices are being implemented at a local level the PD / CPSU should be advised, as all changes require a clause 9 notification of change.

Local Group elections the process will be starting soon by calling for nominations. Local Groups to provide PD with their Local Group structure to enable all locations to comply with the Prisons Division constitution.

Meeting Closed

Next Meeting 6pm April 9th 2008



Speak to a colleague today about the benefits of CPSU membership and have them contribute to our successes rather than just enjoying the benefits.


CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary

Thursday, 20 March 2008.

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