Year in Review & Financial Accounts
Baillieu Government bargaining and cuts to 4,200 jobs dominated the year for our members with 40,000 employees receiving pay rises of 15.5% over 42 months paid in 7 salary installments & one lump sum $1,500 cash payment arising from the settlement of our Victorian Public Service Agreement which then flowed to our five Arts Institutions, the Growth Areas Authority, Parliament, PTV, and VicSES, with Parks members before Fair Work awaiting their pay rise.
More than 30 Agreements were negotiated or being negotiated during the year and 1,405 new members were recruited so far this calendar year.
Our net member funds stand at $1,814,790 at 30 June up from $1,273,897 at the same time last year with a small operating surplus of $69,640 for 2011/12 financial year.
Visit here for Victorian and updated Federal accounts and the year’s overview.
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