Another 60 Parks Staff Cut
Parks Victoria has announced another 60 staff will be made redundant following the refusal of the Napthine Government to properly fund our Parks. Parks are slashing 10% of its workforce but exempt senior and managerial positions, and will target Ranger and Field Service Officer employees instead. Parks will waste $8-$10million paying out retrenched employees trying to save $10-$15million. It's completely cost counterproductive. Parks Victoria employs 1100 staff at 100 national, state, marine and urban parks from Orbost to Ouyen, from Nelson to Numurkah. Rangers and Field personnel manage a diverse estate covering more than four million hectares, about the size of Switzerland or 18 per cent of Victoria. Government cuts could see many of our pristine parks without staff and access to visitors restricted or closed permanently. Losing Rangers and Field employees could see Parks become overgrown or over-run by invasive pests and weeds. ‘The public must be made aware of this possibility. The size of our public park estate has increased but resources are being cut to manage one of Victoria’s greatest visitor attractions. Millions of visitors from here in Victoria, interstate and overseas visit our Parks every year. For many it’s the reason they come to Victoria. This Government seems more interested in protecting its senior echelons of management than our unrivaled Parks. Parks letter
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