Parks Place Jobs in Doubt Again
After almost eight months of waiting following two rounds of redundancies, staff are now learning their fate. Parks have announced that their new structure would provide regional service delivery opportunities, yet the process forces many positions to be abolished and it's unclear amongst this contradiction whether its a career pathway for rangers just funded internally because it's still unclear whether there will be enough jobs at level and location for all affected employees. CPSU members received a phone call yesterday informing them if they are on redeployment. CPSU now has Parks proposal, so all shall be revealed. The information is voluminous but no document has been provided at the moment that compares the current structure to the proposed one and here lies the difficulty in comparing apples with apples or peoples jobs now with what's available into the future. Parks has already shed over 120 positions through two rounds of redundancies in the last two years. CPSU will go through the large volume of information today and provide initial thoughts to members as soon as possible. CPSU have advised Parks that the 18 August deadline for consultation is not sufficient and Parks have agreed to extend the deadline in consultation with CPSU members. CPSU encourages members to look through the proposal and provide any questions and feedback to CPSU Organiser Amy Spencer. Amy will organise a series of visits at work centres across the state in coming weeks to discuss this latest proposal.
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