Election for Delegates to Branch Council

Updated 06/06/2016

The Federal Court has issued its determination following an inquiry into elections into offices in the CPSU and an election is required for delegates to Branch Council from Electorate 1 (DHHS)


Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

Revised Ballot Dates

Delegates to Branch Council from Electorate 1 (4 to be elected)

  • voting material will be posted on Thursday 16 June 2016 to each eligible member at the address shown in the CPSU records as at 7 April 2016. The ballot will close at 10:00 am on Thursday, 7 July 2016.

NOTE: A copy of the AEC’s election report can be obtained from the Union or from me after the completion of the election.

Jeff Webb
Returning Officer

1 June 2016

Telephone: (03) 9285 7141

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