FFRG Reorganisation Update
Agreement has been reached on Employee Matching Process
CPSU has been meeting with the Dep Sec and his team to work through the unions concerns with the proposed FFRG restructure.
Those concerns included;
- Making sure there are enough jobs for unmatched employees, in their local area – particularly important for regional Victoria.
- Ensuring that fixed-term employees have a reasonable chance of gaining employment, especially when the large use of fixed-term arrangements has been a result of previous Governments Sustainable Government Initiative.
- Correct redundancy payments for employees who want to consider alternatives to employment.
- Responses to Employees questions and alternative proposals.
The agreement reached between CPSU and the Department will see a process where all unmatched employees (including fixed-term) will preference a number of positions within their region that they wish express interest in.
Employees will also provide a short written statement explaining their skills and knowledge applicable to that job.
Preference is given to employees who are at grade, and that are ongoing. This meets the redeployment principles of our VPS Agreement.
The Department is adamant that there will be a job for people who want one.
Some employees will change careers and job function.
The Department has stated that employees will be provided reasonable training and support to transition into the new jobs.
Employees can apply for promotions, but preference is given to applicants at that substantive grade, likewise for fixed-term employees.
The Department will issue a flow chart and further detail about the process.
Employees will receive written responses to their questions and alternative proposals as soon as possible.
There will be time for everyone to review these responses and the structure as CPSU understands that there will be changes to the proposed structure, including additional positions.
Please remember you are to be provided with “considered reasons” from the Department as to why they have not excepted your proposal.
If you have concerns about the written response, contact CPSU.
The union’s agenda is to ensure that our members who want to, retain employment with the Department.
CPSU wants every possible option of employment explored on behalf of our unmatched members.
For this reason we ask that all unmatched CPSU members make contact with Amy Spencer to register your details
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