Our Year in Review
The Victorian Branch Annual Report for the 2016/17 financial year is now available including the audited accounts and an overview of the activities undertaken.
During the year the union has been involved in a range of Government initiated social policy Committees and Taskforces
such as the Premier’s Ice Taskforce, NDIS Implementation Taskforce, Road Map to Reform for Policy for Children and
Young Persons, Public Sector OHS Leadership Round Table, Victorian Government Skills Commission Industry Advisory
Group and the Social Services Taskforce overseeing the implementation of the Royal Commission’s Recommendations in
relation to Family Violence.
As the transition from Disability Services to the new Commonwealth NDIA picked up speed, the union worked with DHHS
and the members to either assist in transitioning to the NDIA or to be redeployed into other positions within DHHS or broader
The union worked on the establishment of a cadetship scheme in the VPS in partnership with the Victorian Government with
21 cadets commencing in June of 2017.
The union also commenced a secure employment campaign utilising the clause in the VPS EBA with a view to having
casuals and fixed term employees converted to ongoing. The campaign was also designed to highlight the misuse by the
Departments and Agencies of consultants and Labour Hire staff to fill ongoing VPS roles, costing the state $707m in this
financial year alone.
The Branch worked in conjunction with the Federal Office of the union on making submissions to the Peoples Inquiry into
Privatisation. Made submissions to the Government’s Review of Worksafe’s Regulation and OHS Enforcement and
appeared before the Upper House Inquiry into Youth Justice.
Significant work was commenced during the year to improve Departmental responses to OHS issues such as bullying,
occupational violence, inappropriate procurement and broader risk mitigation strategies with a major focus on the
development of and implementation of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter. Supporting members deal with the
recurring violence in the states Youth Justice facilities and successfully have Worksafe issue Improvement Notices at both
Parkville and Malmsbury following the riots at the sites. The Branch continued to work with DHHS and DJR on the machinery
of Government transfer of the Youth Justice program between the Departments.
We dealt with a number of disputes during the year including VicSES vehicle access for employees on commuted
allowances, stock transfer of public housing properties to the community housing sector, transition to the new regional
structure for SSSO’s in Education and the classification of those jobs, the diabolical situation facing AMES employees as the
Commonwealth removed their funding for migrant education, employment and resettlement services after 60 years, budget
announcement that the State Government will examine options to commercialise Victoria’s Land Registry function affecting
Land Use Victoria employees job security, the proposed restructure of the Forest, Fire and Regional Group in DELWP
spilling positions and initially leaving 300 employees without jobs.
The union continued to be involved in enterprise bargaining during the year across a number of agencies such as TAC,
Worksafe, Schools, Victorian Building Authority, Public Transport Victoria, Parliament, Parks Victoria,
VicForests, VicSES, ESSS, AHPRA, VicHealth and private sector employers such as Port Philip Prison, Serco Traffic Camera Operations and Ravenhall Prison.
Negotiations also occurred in the Arts Agencies which saw the return of weekend penalty rates for casual
employees across the arts sector.
The union also ran a Sign up a Sister promotion to support our International Women’s Day lunch at which 130 participated.
The union also upgraded its membership management system in May 2017, marking the end of a 5 year planning and
design process to replace the 30 year old data base. The new system called OMS (Open Membership Systems) provides
the union with expanded functionality, security and a feature set which will allow us to meet future expected requirements
and 21st century technological needs.
The union recruited 2204 new members during the 2016/2017 financial year.
We received 204 notifications of change and opened 509 new cases on behalf of members. There were 714 “enquiry” cases
that dealt with matters over the telephone or by email.
The number of full time equivalents employees at 30 June 2017 was 46.2 (2016: 40.95)
The number of financial members, inclusive of the Retired Officers Division, at 30 June 2017 was 13,717 (2016: 13,653).
Revenue was up as a result of recruitment initiatives and delivered a $826,864 surplus for the year ending 30 June 2017 which was a strong result. ($7,088 deficit in 2015/16).
Total member funds also grew to $3,341,782 up from $2,514,918 in 2015/16.
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