MP's Scuttle VPS Job Security Protections
Updated 21/09/2018
Liberal and National Party Upper House MP's combined with Local Jobs, Shooters Fishers and Farmers, plus the former DLP and Australian Conservative MP to disallow the continuation of debate on government business legislation in Victoria's Legislative Council last night that would have provided the underpinning referral legislation to protect job security clauses in many public sector agreements affecting over 100,000 state workers inc. All Arts Institutions (MoV, NGV, SLV, FV) EO's, Parks, Parliament, PTV, RBG, Schools, SES, Shrine, VBA, VLA, VIT, & VPS.
Liberal and National Party Upper House MP's combined with Local Jobs, Shooters Fishers and Farmers, plus the former DLP and Australian Conservative MP's to dissallow the continuation of debate on government business legislation in Victoria's Legislative Council last night that would have provided the underpinning referral legislation to protect job security clauses in many public sector agreements affecting over 100,000 state workers.
The Legislative Council also failed to conclude its consideration of legislation extending and enshrining nurse patient ratios in Victoria.
The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill 2017 would have amended the Referral to enable employment regulation clauses (among others) to be agreed by a state reference employer.
The Bill would have ensured that all public sector workers were able to negotiate from the same level playing field and would bring certainty about the terms of an agreement without the need to determine first whether the employer is a constitutional corporation or not.
The following agreements apply to state reference employers i.e. state employers who are not regarded as constitutional corporations.
Employees still remain exposed to being pushed into insecure work as employment category status definitions i.e. ongoing, fixed term and casual under these Agreements would no longer be enforceable/applicable if the Government changes.
Labor committed to honour these Agreement clauses and have for the last four years and introduced the legislation into Parliament over twelve months ago but had only recently secured majority support in the Legislative Council to have the laws passed.
| Electorate Officers’ (Victoria) Single Enterprise Agreement 2017 | Parliament of Victoria | SRE
| Film Victoria Collective Agreement 2016 | Film Victoria | SRE
| Health Purchasing Victoria | Health Purchasing Victoria | SRE
| Nurses (Department of Education and Training) Agreement 2016 | Department of Education and Training) | SRE
| Parks Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2016 | Parks Victoria | SRE
| Parliamentary Officers’ (Non-Executive Staff -Victoria) Single Enterprise Agreement 2016 | State of Victoria - Parliament of Victoria | SRE
| Public Transport Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2016 | Public Transport Development Authority | SRE
| Royal Botanic Gardens Enterprise Agreement 2014 | Royal Botanic Gardens Board | SRE
| Shrine of Remembrance Collective Agreement 2015 | Shrine of Remembrance Trustees | SRE
| State Library Victoria Enterprise Partnership Agreement 2016 | Library Board of Victoria t/as State Library of Victoria | SRE
| Trust for Nature Certified Agreement 2018 | Trust for Nature | SRE
| Victoria Legal Aid Enterprise Agreement 2016-2020 | Victoria Legal Aid | SRE
| Victoria State Emergency Service Agreement 2016 | Victoria State Emergency Service Authority | SRE
| Victorian Building Authority Enterprise Agreement 2016 | Victorian Building Authority | SRE
| Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2017 | Department of Education and Training | SRE
| Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) Enterprise Agreement 2017 | Victorian Health Promotion Foundation | SRE
| Victorian Institute of Teaching Enterprise Agreement 2016 | Victorian Institute of Teaching | SRE
| Victorian Planning Authority Enterprise Agreement 2016 | Victorian Planning Authority | SRE
| Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2016 | State of Victoria | SRE
| Visit Victoria | Visit Victoria Limited | SRE
The former Liberal National Coalition State Government had successfully argued in the Parks Victoria Agreement making determination [2013] before Fair Work (FWCFB 950) that regulation of fixed term/casual/seasonal employment were "excluded matters" under the Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 (Vic) (Victorian Referral) therefore confirming that Enterprise agreement terms that regulate such employment are unenforceable.
It would be fair to presume that their opposition then and their obstruction now would indicate their intentions towards the government workforce under our Agreements listed above if they were to form Government again after 24 November this year.

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