Updated 22/04/2016
The PV EBA central bargaining unit have been meeting weekly in an attempt to progress our new Agreement negotiations.
CPSU is pursuing an agreement that will provide entitlements and a career structure that are comparable to our colleagues throughout the Victorian Public Sector, securing your pay and conditions and resources for your future. Several disagreements remain between the unions and PV management over these issues.- Salary Offer.
PV Management are insisting that the minimum offer in accordance with government policy apply. This is 3.25% increase per year with 1.75% performance pay per year.
This is despite the union s insistence of a 6% annual salary outcome and several other government EBA s delivering 4% plus 2% wages outcomes.
- Productivity:
There is a very real possibility that PV will increase the size of its protected land estate over the coming years as all CPSU members would be aware.
There is also a real possibility that PV will expand our roles and responsibilities to encompass areas not traditionally in our estate.
CPSU is concerned at this possibility and is actively seeking commitments from PV management that the agreed performance pay relates to your existing roles and estate and any changes that result in expanding the amount of land; such as new National Parks, and any expansions of responsibilities to other lands; such as managing functions in state forest or other crown lands; is identified in the productivity outcomes and reflected in areas such as future performance pay.
- Fire and Emergency:
PV management are seeking to adopt the ‚Äö?Ñ??DSE field agreement‚Äö?Ñ?? provisions. This would see all allowances at fire; including paid rest and camping, replaced with a 45% allowance.
CPSU is not adverse to an all up rate for fire.
The union is concerned that this 45% allowance would only be paid to staff once they were ‚Äö?Ñ??on the fire line‚Äö?Ñ??.
Members working in roles such as incident control, staging areas, base camps and any other role not physically ‚Äö?Ñ??on the fire line‚Äö?Ñ?? would not receive any allowances, despite giving up meal, camping, and paid rest provisions.
CPSU has proposed an alternate clause providing a rolled up allowance for all staff working in fire and emergency operations however PV management will not accept any option other than either the DSE field agreement in its entirety or maintain the status quo.
- Career (classification) Structure and Work Value:
At the instance of the unions, PV management undertook a comparative review of roles and salaries in PV with roles in DSE, DPI, Melbourne Water and NSW NP&WS.
The report on the review was tabled at EBA talks early February.
CPSU has a number of reservations about the report.
For example, unions had no input into the reviews terms of reference, and the review only considered roles in grades 1 to 3 and the ‚Äö?Ñ??desk top‚Äö?Ñ?? review only considered Position Descriptions that they ‚Äö?Ñ??assumed‚Äö?Ñ?? were current and correct.
Annual work plans, which are current and accurately reflect the complexities of your work, were not considered as part of the process.
However the report has been tabled and despite its flaws it does confirm some of CPSU s concerns.
One major issue for the union is the comparison between Park Rangers in PV and Forest Rangers in DSE.
The PV report identified Forest Rangers are appropriately classified as VPS Grade 3 with a base salary of $51,175. YET it found that PV Rangers were appropriately classified at PV Grade 2.3. A base salary of $41,544.
Added to CPSU s concerns are the findings that recognise DSE Business Support roles as VPS Grade 4, while PV BSO s are considered appropriate at PV Grade 2.3.
A difference of over $18,000 per year!
According to its report Parks Victoria identified that all six roles reviewed were appropriately classified.
None of these roles were graded above PV Grade 2.
The union has sought that PV management commit to a process to rectify these issues but PV has refused to agree to these proposals.
PV management are strongly resisting this proposal.
- Allowances:
The unions have sought the installment of several allowances for PV members. These include leave loading, which has been reinstated for field staff in DSE and First aid allowances.
The latter is of great concern for CPSU members given the ever increasing dependence on staff to manage projects such as friend s activities and other volunteer programs with no recognition of the first aid role members undertake.
The unions view is that these volunteer activities are work sites and in accordance with the OH&S act a workplace first aid officer is required.
Tragically the worst case scenario is a real possibility and members must be compensated for their volunteer management responsibilities.
- Improvements!!!
To date there have been several areas of improvement with the unions warding off several major changes proposed my PV management. PV management sought to introduce a new Award. The Liqueur & Hospitality Award.
PV also sought to introduce an entirely new classification of ‚Äö?Ñ??commercial employees‚Äö?Ñ?? this would see roles including tour guides, cleaners, retail sales classified within Grade 1 and paid based on the hospitality award.
Following a number of discussions with CPSU, PV and government, PV s application to include the hospitality award was refused. PV management have revisited their position on commercial employees. The unions have considered alternatives which may allow for new ‚Äö?Ñ??retail and food sales‚Äö?Ñ?? to be recognised within the existing grades.
The union has been very clear that this proposed changed toward a commercial focus within PV was contingent upon managements review of the overall pay offer and performance pay provisions.
Similarly the unions have worked on management proposals to include seasonal and permanent/part time roles.
At this stage there is some prospect of an agreeable clause for these roles but again these changes must be reflected in a salary outcome that is reasonable and not the government minimum.
- Other improvements include:
- Provisions to limit the amount of late finishes for those members working in metro parks to close gates and a commitment to pay overtime in some instances.
- An agreement that all Higher Duties at Grades 7 and below will be paid at 100% and workers will not be required to perform any of their substantive duties.
- The inclusion of a shift work clause. However management are insisting that rostered weekend workers be excluded from shift work loadings.
- Increased indigenous/cultural leave provisions.
- Increases to existing allowances including provisions to identify minimum standards of temporary accommodation and commitments to pay camping allowances where standards are not met.
Many other provisions have been addressed and improved.
The core issues of salary outcomes, career structure and appropriate work value and classification remain in dispute.
CPSU will continue to work for improved pay and conditions for our members. Your input and activity is crucial. Make sure that you are aware of what s going on with your EBA.
Success at the bargaining table will certainly begin with activity in each and every workplace.
Hold a work place EBA meeting in your office or depot.
To arrange for a CPSU official to visit you contact us on (03)9639 1822 or toll free on 1800 810 153 or e-mail .
- PV Branch Section Meeting:
The PV Branch section meets monthly to discuss and resolve matters on behalf of members.
Click here to view/print a copy of the latest minutes;
For more information on your union branch and your local contact click on the following link;
CPSU's 7 day a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year industrial protection ensures you have the principal public sector organisation looking after your working rights, winning wage increases, protecting your conditions, and providing personal industrial assistance when you need it.
Speak to a colleague today about the benefits of CPSU membership and have them contribute to our successes rather than just enjoying the benefits.
CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thanks for Voting for Your Rights at Work .....
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