PS News: UN Public Service Day

Updated 22/04/2016

Monday 23 June is UN Public Service Day.

The United Nations General Assembly, on 20 December 2002, designated 23 June of each year as United Nations Public Service Day (resolution 57/277) which encourages member states to organise special events on that day to highlight the vital contribution of public administration workers around the world.

Public Service Day is of course particularly important for PSI and its affiliates.

PSI is planning to mark 23 June by a call to action for increased funding for development, to ensure adequate resources to promote quality public services.

PSI will also call for unions to urge civil society and governments to resist the policies of the WTO and regional and bilateral trade agreements that weaken the capacity of the public sector and reduce the tariff revenues that are an essential element of funding public services in many developing countries.

For 23 June, affiliates are also invited to mark the day by media events or other activities to launch the PSI quality public services promotional materials, and to call on governments to meet their commitments under the Millennium Development Goals through increasing funding to essential public services.

If you wish to have copies of the PSI materials, they are available at .

Visit for our media release and details.

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