Roadmap to Easing Restrictions Released

Updated 19/09/2021

The State Government has released their roadmap which lets Victorians know when we can catch up with friends and family, and get back to the things we love.  Restrictions will ease as more Victorians are vaccinated, with one important condition: To ensure the health system isn't overrun, any easing will be subject to health system capacity and current public health advice.

Roadmap key dates for metro Melbourne

  • Sept 26 Outdoor activities resume - golf, tennis
  • October 5 School reopens for some year levels
  • October 26 70% fully vaxed
  • Nov 5 80% fully vaxed

Victoria's Roadmap

Roadmap - Metro

Roadmap - Regional

The Roadmap has been developed based on expert modelling from the Burnet Institute and is set against COVID-19 thresholds including hospitalisation rates, and the vaccination targets already set out in the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response.

Burnet modelling

New Cases, Hospitalisation, ICU and Cumulative deaths under 4 scenarios:

  • Maintain lockdown scenario.
  • Roadmap scenario
  • Roadmap scenario with increased testing
  • Roadmap scenario with a 15% reduction in non-household transmission

The 4 scenarios by graph

Associated labels