Happy 139th Birthday

Updated 18/06/2024

On this day, 17 June 1885, 1000 colonial civil servants crammed into the Athenaeum Theatre in Collins Street to form a union, the Victorian Public Service Association, our Union. 

“Jack’s as good as his masters” came the cry from all in the hall that day when attempts to delay the vote was soundly defeated and the union was formed. 

Victoria’s chief astronomer and respected scientist Robert John (James) Ellery was elected the 1st President by acclamation. 

Our union already had over 5,000 signed on members at the time and the Argus carried the news the next day.

From annual stipends, no right to vote or even participate in politics, thru two conscription referendums, two world wars, countless attacks on conditions matched by campaigns to improve hours, pay & entitlements, to today and our upcoming VPS 2024 EA ballot.

Stronger Together.

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