Fighting back against mass public service job cuts

Updated 21/02/2025

You may have seen reports in the media today that the Premier and the Treasurer have announced an “independent” review of the Victorian Public Service, and in the next breath pre-empted the outcome of the review by revealing their expectation that thousands of public service jobs would be cut.

The VPS has returned more than $5 billion to the state's coffers in the last three Budgets – there is literally nothing left on the bone to cut.

At the same time, population growth means the demand for services grows too. Who will be left to provide services if the government’s job slashing plans go ahead?

And while we have seen a very small interest rate cut, we are still in the midst of a cost of living crisis. Sacking thousands of people amid this crisis is unconscionable.

Playing frontline/backline distinctions is insulting as everyone equally contributes to the delivery of our public services.

Fighting back requires strength. If any of your workmates are not in the union, please ask them to join now.

Join us at our
Save Our Services protest:

Monday 3 March, 1 pm

1 Treasury Place (outside)

Yours in unity

CPSU Victorian Branch Secretary

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