
Campaigns are the lifeblood of our union. From enterprise bargaining to specific workplace issues campaigns are about members influencing and improving their workplaces.

CPSU is always campaigning for better working conditions and entitlements. These campaigns range from regular enterprise bargaining campaigns to improve existing conditions of employment, to campaigns against changes occuring in workplaces that may reduce the conditions for CPSU members.

  • Want help to run a campaign?
  • Recruit your colleagues?
  • Be part of the log of claims negotiating team?
  • Is there an issue affecting more than one person at your workplace?
  • or do you think there is a training need that can be provided by the Union?

CPSU has a team which is there for you with the resources and experience to help you put colour into campaign/recruitment efforts.

Call the union and speak with their Membership Development Team Organiser.

Current Campaigns

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Proud to be Public

The office of Births, Deaths and Marriages is currently 100% Victorian Government owned. 

That means we all own it, as we should, because of the detailed personal data about all aspects of our lives that we all have stored there, but the Government is considering selling it off to the private sector.

Asked if the agency was to be privatised, a government spokesperson instead described the preferred model as a joint venture partnership.

“Victoria’s births, deaths and marriages service will not be privatised, but we are looking at how we can continue to improve the quality of government services.”

The office is critical to all our lives as it records and manages the most intimate personal details of all Victorians.

A potential sale is bad news for Victorians for a number of reasons:

  1. It will hand over the personal and private details of all Victorians to a private company with no guarantees on data protection. Just look at all the recent data breaches from formerly State Owned businesses.
  2. It will allow the private company to jack up the cost of obtaining Certificates or registering information.
  3. Our private information can potentially be sold to third parties for advertising as a way the buyer gets a return on the billions it spends to purchase BDM.

The purpose of our campaign is to generate community support to keep our private information fully in Government hands and to re-open BDM to the public.

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VPS 2024

Improving the resources available to build better public services like pay, access to leave, career opportunities and allowances are all spelled out in our Victorian Public Service Agreement negotiated between CPSU and the Vic Government.

Negotiations for our next agreement are underway now and former Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe has been brought in as an independent facilitator to assist the parties.

Get on board with CPSU and have your voice heard and your views represented.

View the campaign

Past Campaigns

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Restorative Engagement and Redress Scheme

Any former or current Victoria Police employee, including VPS staff, who have experienced sexual harassment or sex discrimination in the workplace can now apply to the new Restorative Engagement and Redress Scheme.

The Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville announced today the start of the new scheme, which is administered by the Department of Justice and Community Safety, independently of Victoria Police.

View the campaign

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Workers for Myanmar

Trade unionists and supporters from around the world are joining the Global Noise Barrage making some noise in solidarity with the people of Myanmar.

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Worth 100%

The gender pay gap in the Victorian Public Service is currently 12%.

We think women should be paid the same as men. We think women should be offered the same opportunities as men. We think it's time to close the gap.

There are a number of ways you can get active in your workplace to help close the gap.

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Sign Up a Sister

To mark International Women's Day on March 8 2021, we're running our Sign Up A Sister initiative to grow our CPSU sisterhood.

Having a strong female union membership is vital to progress important issues like closing the gender pay gap, eradicating gender based workplace violence, and protecting paid parental leave rights.

From now until the end of March, if you sign up a sister to CPSU you will go into the running to win two nights at Mount Olive in Daylesford, and the member you sign up will win the same!

Simply mark membership form with 'IWD21' and your name under the Campaign Code or referral section. So why not have a chat to the women in your workplace about the benefits of union membership.

The winner will be announced on CPSU Vic’s website on Wednesday 7 April 2021.

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VPS Enterprise Agreement 2020

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Vote Like Your Job Depends on It

Every election the Victorian Liberal Party promises not to cut public sector jobs.

Then they do. Every single time. Help save public sector jobs this election.
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The Real Cost

The Victorian Government has announced its intention to privatise Victoria's Land Titles Office. For 155 years, the Land Titles Office has tirelessly scrutinised every survey, mortgage and transaction on Victoria's four million-odd properties, perfecting this priceless public asset.

Selling the titles office will see annual revenue of up to $300 million stripped from funding other public services like hospitals, roads, and schools, and will also lead to increased costs for Victorians.