VPS 2024 - Agreement Reached on Outstanding Items
After negotiations over the last two weeks to settle the outstanding items arising from a suggested way forward by the independent bargaining facilitator Julius Roe, the respective negotiating teams will now recommend that a head of Agreement can be entered into for a four-year Agreement between Victoria and CPSU that locks in payment dates and condition improvements.
CPSU’s Victorian Branch Council is scheduled for Monday afternoon to endorse this way forward.
Pay quanta and entitlement improvements as previously reported to members are agreed.
The settlement suggestions on outstanding items as part of our addressing Gender Equity agenda include.
• extending leave entitlements to recognise women’s health around reproductive rights, menstruation, and menopause,
• extending superannuation payments on parental leave to 104 weeks with parental leave payment calculations to the primary carer reflecting actual pay,
• explore alternative ways of working through feasibility trials,
• an agreed mechanism to compensate additional unpaid hours for Grade 5 and above (or equivalent) employees, as well as,
• extending top of grade performance payments.
Further Agreement detail, the timetable for finalising appendices bargaining, and what needs to happen from here for a ballot of employees to occur will be provided once the sign off from Government has occurred.
Victorian Branch Secretary Assistant Victorian Branch Secretary
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