Treasury has Silver but our member feedback is Gold
The Victorian Government has engaged a consultant to review public service spending.
How do you feel about a potential cut of 3,000 jobs when we are ALL contributing to the delivery of frontline public services?
Our feedback from inside government indicates it’s primarily a box ticking exercise with infrastructure (bigbuild) and integrity agencies exempted and all Departments and Agencies are highlighting in their feedback the impact of the last three (3) budget savings programs on service delivery now.
Our Public Service numbers need to be slashed the government argues because they have grown more than the population growth as a percentage even though government departments were already employing and paying for these staff but that spend was through expensive labour hire agencies and that expenditure and the numbers of staff gets hidden.
Victoria has the lowest public service numbers of any Australian state or territory now.
Secure Work
We campaigned successfully and undid most of these dodgy labour hire employment practices the Departments had going on from 2011 to present day through our Secure Work campaign.
In the post Covid era, and ironically with help from this government, these people were made ongoing and employed in secure jobs and transparently employed after the contract labour hire failings were highlighted during the pandemic spread and that employment practice was fazed out.
When the focus from Treasury returns to numbers employed only, and the wages bill, it's no wonder Departments hide this type of spend.
Imagine if their focus was on the quality of the service delivery and the growing Victorian population and meeting community demand.
Will government ever learn?
Quite a contrast our positive secure job action, and so unlike the employment goings on with labour hire shenanigans being highlighted inside their bigbuild projects.
Why do our members jobs come under threat when the gouging of government is obviously going on outside the public service.
Wrong Target Treasurer
Withdraw your job cut expectation statement predetermining an outcome so the dialogue required under our industrial agreements can occur with services and jobs protected, and unnecessary disputation/litigation avoided.
Silver Watch
As this Review is established to discover inefficiencies, we thought we’d ask our members about what's going inside their workplace.
For example, have you noticed suboptimal use of resources, unnecessary use of consultants, appointed boards replacing Departmental governance, or other inefficiencies?
Then we want to hear from you. Prizes will be available.
Results will be published but contributors identities will be protected and remain confidential.
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