Updated 07/10/2024
CPSU's lawyers Maurice Blackburn have now served a letter of demand on DJCS after 18 months of raising these concerns while DJCS continues filibustering and stone walling.CPSU has been in dispute with DJCS over this non payment since March last year because DJCS like other depts have applied language selectively (to avoid our VPS Agreement requirements) like ‘demonstrate measures of excellence’ to ‘exceed expectations’ to deny progression payments to Grade 5-7's staff ostensibly as a bud... -->
Updated 26/08/2024
BREAKING NEWSThe Fair Work Commission has formally approved our VPS Agreement 2024.  Congratulations to all.Please note the following operative dates[5] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from 19 August 2024.     The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 9 April 2028.CPSU is writing to all employers under the agreement to confirm the application of all new entitlements and payments to the workforce.This letter will also request the staging time... -->
Updated 31/07/2024
We all need to create sustainable workplaces that are ready to meet an increasing range of social, economic, and environmental challenges.  Research has shown us that across all sectors, workers want to retain the valuable benefits gained through flexible working practices adopted during and after the COVID pandemic. Reduced hours or days represents an opportunity to continue to explore new ways of working that can enhance mental and physical well-being without sacrificing quality and productiv... -->
Updated 07/07/2024
BREAKING NEWSVPS 2024 EA BallotA huge turnout has delivered a resounding YES•    70% of eligible voters voted •    Total votes cast: 39,342 •    Yes: 36,340  92.4% The proposed Agreement will now be lodged with Fair Work for their endorsement and all the dollars under the deal will flow shortly after.Congratulations for the work you did in your workplaces to achieve this strong vote.KAREN BATTCPSU Victorian Branch Secretary... -->
Updated 04/07/2024
Over 31,000 of our VPS workmates have already had their say about their pay.This opportunity only comes around every 4 years so if you haven't had your say yet then isn't it time you voted?Ballot closes Friday night. If you haven't received your vote link which was sent to your work email then contact GoVote at support@govote.com.au or via phone at 1800 919 553.... -->
Updated 25/06/2024
Our new VPS 2024 Agreement also delivers a comprehensive boost to VPS conditions• New leave entitlement of 5 days to recognise an employee’s health around reproductive rights, menstruation, and menopause.• Ensuring superannuation payments will be made on Primary Caregiver Parental Leave up to 104 weeks (from 52 weeks) and allowing for shift workers on Primary Caregiver or Additional Secondary Caregiver Parental Leave to receive shift penalties they would have received had they not been on ... -->
Updated 03/05/2024
Employees classified at VPS Grade 5 and above may be expected to undertake reasonable additional hours to support service delivery.  New Overtime arrangements for these employees will be included in the Best Practice Employment Commitment (BPEC) and consequential amendments will be made to clause 41 (reasonable hours of work) of the Agreement to give effect to the BPEC commitment.Overtime (certain provisions), hours of work, and workload review clauses in the Agreement will apply.New guidance i... -->
Updated 02/05/2024
A new reproductive health leave clause providing five days non-cumulative paid leave for full-time employees, pro-rata for part-time employees will be included in the proposed new Victorian Public Service Agreement 2024.Workers can use the leave when they are unable to work because of a reproductive health reason, or when they are receiving treatment for endometriosis or poly cystic ovary syndrome, menopause or menstruation, complications associated with a pregnancy, or if they are receiving fer... -->
Updated 02/05/2024
Like all employers in Victoria, the VPS must ensure it has modern and flexible work arrangements which both attract and retain talent in the public service and support service delivery to the Victorian community.To meet current and future workforce and service delivery challenges, the parties have agreed to a joint feasibility study to explore how alternative ways of work could be implemented in a VPS context.The joint intent of this commitment is to work together to identify alternative ways of... -->
Updated 16/04/2024
CPSU and Victoria have today signed a heads of agreement that will deliver improved salaries and new conditions over the next four years.Pay Increases•    12.55% salary increase over life of Agreement paid in 3% annual instalments from 1 May of each year.•    Mobility Allowance (MA) superable payments retained (1.25% calculated at the top of Grade) paid 1st July each year.•    One off $5,600 lump sum cost of living cash payment per full time employee to be paid as soon as possible... -->
Updated 08/04/2024
After negotiations over the last two weeks to settle the outstanding items arising from a suggested way forward by the independent bargaining facilitator Julius Roe, the respective negotiating teams will now recommend that a head of Agreement can be entered into for a four-year Agreement between Victoria and CPSU that locks in payment dates and condition improvements.CPSU’s Victorian Branch Council is scheduled for Monday afternoon to endorse this way forward.Pay quanta and entitlement improve... -->
Updated 29/02/2024
Our negotiating team is working hard to squeeze out the best possible outcome in the context of the government’s pay policy and are continuing negotiations on smaller changes to improve the Agreement.Key issues that the union remains focused on include:•    Salary Increases – Wages policy provides 3% per annum pay increases, plus CPSU has confirmed the mobility allowance payment from VPS Agreement 2020 of 1.25% every year remains from 1st July 2024 and would apply also in the 2025, 2026... -->
Updated 05/02/2024
Why are we bargaining?Improving the resources available to build better public services like pay, access to leave, career opportunities and allowances are all spelled out in our Victorian Public Service Agreement negotiated between CPSU and the Vic Government.Negotiations for our next agreement are underway now and former Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe has been brought in as an independent facilitator to assist the parties.Get on board with CPSU to have your voice heard an... -->
Updated 18/01/2024
Improving the resources available to build better public services like pay, access to leave, career opportunities and allowances are all spelled out in the VPS Agreement negotiated between CPSU and the Vic Government. Negotiations for our next agreement will commence very soon.CPSU has served the union's claims for our new agreement.  It was developed in consultation with your workplace delegates and incorporates input from members.The claim has been served on ov... -->
Updated 21/07/2023
Public service employees do not have the same access to bullying and sexual harassment protections as private industry workers do.CPSU has been pushing the Andrews Government to make a further referral of IR powers to Canberra to give core State public sector employees the right to seek orders from the Fair Work Commission to stop bullying and sexual harassment.The union has long advocated another referral is warranted to provide access to the anti-bullying jurisdiction but have now renewed our ... -->