Updated 07/10/2024
CPSU's lawyers Maurice Blackburn have now served a letter of demand on DJCS after 18 months of raising these concerns while DJCS continues filibustering and stone walling.CPSU has been in dispute with DJCS over this non payment since March last year because DJCS like other depts have applied language selectively (to avoid our VPS Agreement requirements) like ‘demonstrate measures of excellence’ to ‘exceed expectations’ to deny progression payments to Grade 5-7's staff ostensibly as a bud... -->
Updated 02/10/2024
Union members from Grades 5-7 at the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions reported that they were being denied progression, because they had either not "exceeded expectations" or because their agreed goals were insufficiently difficult.CPSU raised this with DJSIR, making clear that under our VPS Enterprise Agreement:The goals set by the employee and their manager are the agreed Progression Criteria which must be assessed;If the Employee is eligible for Progression and has met their P... -->
Updated 19/09/2024
We've Kept Births, Deaths and Marriages 100% in public hands.Plan Hatched but Now Dispatched"An early plan to give private investors access to parts of Victoria’s births, deaths and marriages registry has been abandoned by the state government after backlash from a key union and grassroots Labor members." AGE 13/9/2024BDM has been recording significant life events since 1853.More than 400 Victorians each day last month interacted with BDM and that was just for certificate registration and does... -->
Updated 04/09/2024
Read CPSU Vic's submissionTools for surveillance of workplaces, and therefore the people who work in them, have been growing in numbers and functionality for the last 30 to 40 years, in line with the IT revolution since the 1990s.Workers have increasingly found that digital tools and other cheaply consumable forms of surveillance have been introduced either intentionally or as integral parts of packages of productivity tools that they use.The explosion of new consumer grades of AI in the last tw... -->
Updated 26/08/2024
The security of the records of our most significant, personal moments is under threat. The Victorian Government is considering privatising the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.  The publicly owned Registry and the people who work there are the custodians of our precious records. They record every birth, every marriage and every death that occurs in our state and assist with recognition of relationships, name changes and gender affirmation. They are the keepers of our truths. The Victori... -->
Updated 26/08/2024
BREAKING NEWSThe Fair Work Commission has formally approved our VPS Agreement 2024.  Congratulations to all.Please note the following operative dates[5] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from 19 August 2024.     The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 9 April 2028.CPSU is writing to all employers under the agreement to confirm the application of all new entitlements and payments to the workforce.This letter will also request the staging time... -->
Updated 12/08/2024
A new reproductive health leave clause providing five days non-cumulative paid leave for full-time employees, pro-rata for part-time employees will be included in the new Victorian Public Service Agreement 2024.  Workers can use the leave when they are unable to work because of a reproductive health reason, or when they are receiving treatment for endometriosis or poly cystic ovary syndrome, menopause or menstruation, complications associated with a pregnancy, or if they are receiving fertility... -->
Updated 31/07/2024
We all need to create sustainable workplaces that are ready to meet an increasing range of social, economic, and environmental challenges.  Research has shown us that across all sectors, workers want to retain the valuable benefits gained through flexible working practices adopted during and after the COVID pandemic. Reduced hours or days represents an opportunity to continue to explore new ways of working that can enhance mental and physical well-being without sacrificing quality and productiv... -->
Updated 30/07/2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a fixture in workplaces across various sectors, including the Victorian public sector. This technological wave promises to bring about significant changes, enhancing efficiency and decision-making processes. However, with these advancements come critical concerns that need careful management to ensure a fair and equitable work environment.Navigating Risks and Embracing OpportunitiesA recent survey conducted by CPSU Victoria sheds light on the... -->
Updated 07/07/2024
BREAKING NEWSVPS 2024 EA BallotA huge turnout has delivered a resounding YES•    70% of eligible voters voted •    Total votes cast: 39,342 •    Yes: 36,340  92.4% The proposed Agreement will now be lodged with Fair Work for their endorsement and all the dollars under the deal will flow shortly after.Congratulations for the work you did in your workplaces to achieve this strong vote.KAREN BATTCPSU Victorian Branch Secretary... -->
Updated 04/07/2024
Over 31,000 of our VPS workmates have already had their say about their pay.This opportunity only comes around every 4 years so if you haven't had your say yet then isn't it time you voted?Ballot closes Friday night. If you haven't received your vote link which was sent to your work email then contact GoVote at support@govote.com.au or via phone at 1800 919 553.... -->
Updated 25/06/2024
Our new VPS 2024 Agreement also delivers a comprehensive boost to VPS conditions• New leave entitlement of 5 days to recognise an employee’s health around reproductive rights, menstruation, and menopause.• Ensuring superannuation payments will be made on Primary Caregiver Parental Leave up to 104 weeks (from 52 weeks) and allowing for shift workers on Primary Caregiver or Additional Secondary Caregiver Parental Leave to receive shift penalties they would have received had they not been on ... -->
Updated 25/06/2024
CPSU and Victoria signed a head of agreement that will deliver improved salaries and new conditions over the next four years.The proposed Agreement is now being circulated to VPS employees by employing agencies.    It’s time now to vote ‘YES’YES for a BOOST to salaries and a $5,600 cost of living cash paymentYES for a BOOST to entitlementsYES for Alternative Ways of Working feasibilities to improve work/life balanceYES for a BOOST to enforcement of common policiesSummary of the salary a... -->
Updated 18/06/2024
On this day, 17 June 1885, 1000 colonial civil servants crammed into the Athenaeum Theatre in Collins Street to form a union, the Victorian Public Service Association, our Union. “Jack’s as good as his masters” came the cry from all in the hall that day when attempts to delay the vote was soundly defeated and the union was formed. Victoria’s chief astronomer and respected scientist Robert John (James) Ellery was elected the 1st President by acclamation. Our union already had over 5,00... -->
Updated 15/05/2024
The Labor Government’s 2024 Budget is a good budget for working people, with wages forecast to rise, commitments to pay increases in the care economy, cost-of-living support on top of the July 1 tax cuts, and a historic commitment to the jobs we need, including manufacturing jobs in Australia.  Higher wages are the centrepiece of the Federal Budget with real wages going up by 4 percent for this financial year the same amount that they went up in total over the 10 years of the Coalition Govern... -->
Updated 09/05/2024
CPSU believes striking the balance by generating surpluses to fund big build borrowings while investing in skills to continue delivering vital public services to a growing population during workforce shortages is an achievement and should be stated. As Victoria's population soars its a huge relief for public services that, after contributing $4-5bill in savings over the last two years, there's no further imposition in this budget.  There's some stings though including;WIV $8.02mil... -->
Updated 03/05/2024
Employees classified at VPS Grade 5 and above may be expected to undertake reasonable additional hours to support service delivery.  New Overtime arrangements for these employees will be included in the Best Practice Employment Commitment (BPEC) and consequential amendments will be made to clause 41 (reasonable hours of work) of the Agreement to give effect to the BPEC commitment.Overtime (certain provisions), hours of work, and workload review clauses in the Agreement will apply.New guidance i... -->
Updated 02/05/2024
A new reproductive health leave clause providing five days non-cumulative paid leave for full-time employees, pro-rata for part-time employees will be included in the proposed new Victorian Public Service Agreement 2024.Workers can use the leave when they are unable to work because of a reproductive health reason, or when they are receiving treatment for endometriosis or poly cystic ovary syndrome, menopause or menstruation, complications associated with a pregnancy, or if they are receiving fer... -->
Updated 05/03/2024
ACTU Executive calls for increased action to ensure an urgent and lasting ceasefire in Gaza.  The ACTU Executive resolution on Gaza was endorsed by our Victorian Branch Council at its last meeting in February.... -->
Updated 29/02/2024
Our negotiating team is working hard to squeeze out the best possible outcome in the context of the government’s pay policy and are continuing negotiations on smaller changes to improve the Agreement.Key issues that the union remains focused on include:•    Salary Increases – Wages policy provides 3% per annum pay increases, plus CPSU has confirmed the mobility allowance payment from VPS Agreement 2020 of 1.25% every year remains from 1st July 2024 and would apply also in the 2025, 2026... -->
Updated 11/02/2024
The union movement has achieved some of the very big reforms that we set our sights on eight years ago that will fundamentally change workers’ rights for the better as well as fixing some of the issues that were outstanding with the Closing Loopholes Bill Mark 2 passing the Senate. The big ticket items are:1.    A definition of “employee” that overturns regressive High Court decisions which opened a path out of employment rights for all workers2.    A stronger definition of casual wo... -->