Updated 18/07/2024
The office of Births, Deaths and Marriages is currently 100% Victorian Government owned.  That means we all own it, as we should, because of the detailed personal data about our lives that we have stored there, but the Government is considering selling it off to the private sector.The office is critical to all our lives as it records and manages the most intimate personal details of all Victorians.A potential sale is bad news for Victorians for a number of reasons:It will hand over the personal... -->
Updated 18/06/2024
On this day, 17 June 1885, 1000 colonial civil servants crammed into the Athenaeum Theatre in Collins Street to form a union, the Victorian Public Service Association, our Union. “Jack’s as good as his masters” came the cry from all in the hall that day when attempts to delay the vote was soundly defeated and the union was formed. Victoria’s chief astronomer and respected scientist Robert John (James) Ellery was elected the 1st President by acclamation. Our union already had over 5,00... -->
Updated 09/05/2024
CPSU believes striking the balance by generating surpluses to fund big build borrowings while investing in skills to continue delivering vital public services to a growing population during workforce shortages is an achievement and should be stated. As Victoria's population soars its a huge relief for public services that, after contributing $4-5bill in savings over the last two years, there's no further imposition in this budget.  There's some stings though including;WIV $8.02mil... -->
Updated 02/05/2024
Like all employers in Victoria, the VPS must ensure it has modern and flexible work arrangements which both attract and retain talent in the public service and support service delivery to the Victorian community.To meet current and future workforce and service delivery challenges, the parties have agreed to a joint feasibility study to explore how alternative ways of work could be implemented in a VPS context.The joint intent of this commitment is to work together to identify alternative ways of... -->
Updated 27/03/2024
PowerPoint slides from our member info sessions this week are available along with a recording of Briefing #2 (jump to 3.45 for session start)We should have more progress to report to members early to mid next week.  PowerPoint summary;Money - On the table now is 3% p.a., with effective dates to be finalised if there’s an in–principle agreement reached, plus from VPS 2020 the 1.25% superable mobility allowance payment continues which is calculated at top of grade from 1st July each year, pl... -->
Updated 29/02/2024
Our negotiating team is working hard to squeeze out the best possible outcome in the context of the government’s pay policy and are continuing negotiations on smaller changes to improve the Agreement.Key issues that the union remains focused on include:•    Salary Increases – Wages policy provides 3% per annum pay increases, plus CPSU has confirmed the mobility allowance payment from VPS Agreement 2020 of 1.25% every year remains from 1st July 2024 and would apply also in the 2025, 2026... -->
Updated 18/01/2024
Improving the resources available to build better public services like pay, access to leave, career opportunities and allowances are all spelled out in the VPS Agreement negotiated between CPSU and the Vic Government. Negotiations for our next agreement will commence very soon.CPSU has served the union's claims for our new agreement.  It was developed in consultation with your workplace delegates and incorporates input from members.The claim has been served on ov... -->