VPS Enterprise Agreement 2020

Updated 20/03/2025
The Victorian Building Authority has been committed to stand trial after the death of one of its inspectors. WorkSafe charged the regulator in September 2023 after a worker took their own life in May 2022.  It's alleged the regulator refused to transfer the inspector to a different supervisor, and continued to pursue performance and redundancy processes.The regulator should have known the conduct would have placed the inspector at risk of psychological injury, WorkSafe alleged. The Victorian Bu ... -->
Updated 06/03/2024
The State Labor Government has ignored the recommendations of a Legislative Council inquiry to re-open consultations and instead has struck a deal with the Liberal and National Party Opposition to pass legislation overnight to scuttle the WorkCover scheme. CPSU said that the Labor Government proceeding to slash access to compensation for workers suffering mental injury and ending support for those workers already with accepted claims after 130 weeks with Liberal support is a "devastating decisio ... -->
Updated 18/03/2024
CPSU is a membership based organisationWe provide assistance to financial members in relation to individual issues in relation to their employment that arise during the time that they are members.If an issue has arisen prior to joining, or during a time that a person was not a financial member of the union, assistance is limited to general advice about the best way to handle or manage the matter. Full support and representation is not provided.Here is our pre-existing issues policy ... -->
Updated 05/02/2024
An Application for Representation is the first step for CPSU members in getting direct assistance from the union. When you submit your application for representation your case is processed and managed by CPSU's Entitlements and Compliance Team.Before you applyHave you spoken to the local CPSU workplace representative?Have your membership number readyDetermine what outcome you want to achievePlease follow one of the link below and fill out the form if you wish to continue to apply for representat ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
This information page lists the WorkCover Weekly Payments which apply to workers who are incapacitated for works.First 13 Weeks95% of worker’s pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE) or up to twice Victoria’s average weekly earnings currently $2,460; whichever is the lesser will be paid.After the first 13 weeks of incapacity up until 130 weeks80% of the workers PIAWE or up to twice Victoria’s average weekly earnings currently $2,460; whichever is the lesser will be paid.After 130 weeks ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
EntitlementInjured workers with accepted WorkCover claims are entitled to have superannuation contributions made into the injured worker's nominated complying superannuation fund if the following applies:The date of injury is on or after 5 April 2010.Weekly payments of compensation have been paid for an aggregate total period of 52 weeks.The injured worker is still receiving and will continue to receive Weekly payments of compensation after the 52nd week.Accident make-up payments have ceased.Cal ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
This information page provides the criteria for the inclusion of overtime and shift allowances in the calculation of a worker's pre-injury average earnings.The Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 provides for the inclusion of regular overtime and shift allowances in the calculation of pre-injury average weekly earnings (P.I.A.W.E.).The legislation allows for regular overtime and shift allowances to be utilised in the calculation of a worker's weekly compensation payment for ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
An injured worker must notify employer within 30 daysThe Victorian Government passed legislation in November 1997 requiring injuries to be notified to the Employer within 30 days of the injury becoming known to the worker.The legislative requirement, if not complied with, precludes the affected worker from any entitlement to recover workers compensation for the injury suffered. Every employer in the State of Victoria must have a "register of injury" book. A worker can give notice of injury to th ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
Eligibility to claimIf a worker suffers an injury, disease or illness arising out of or in the course of employment, and if the employment was a significant contributing factor to the claimed injury, the worker shall be entitled to (WorkCover) compensation.What you need to doAs soon as practicable after the injury, disease or illness arises you should attend, and be medically examined by, your treating medical practitioner. If your treating medical practitioner decides to give you time off work, ... -->
Updated 26/06/2023
This page provides advice on how to lodge a WorkCover claim in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013.By postA worker can post a WorkCover Claim for Compensation form to the employer. The date the employer is deemed to have first received a WorkCover Claim for Compensation form is 2 days after the day on which it was posted addressed to the person in charge or the person duly authorised to represent the employer.By hand deliveryIf personal ... -->
Updated 12/08/2024
Workers employed in the state of Victoria who suffer an injury, disease or illnesses in the course of employment are entitled to claim Workers Compensation, commonly called WorkCover.An Act of the Victorian Parliament titled the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (the Act) provides workers with the benefits and entitlements to workers compensation. The Act provides an entitlement to weekly payments, medical and like service expenses, occupational rehabilitation and return to work. CPSU has a special ... -->